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So I was driving to work, and i used my blinker, so i thought, "it's kinda wierd how the blinker is set horizontal where you push up or down instead of left and right. And I know some people who as adults mix left and right all the time. Then I was wondering how they cope with remembering to push down or up and thinking in counter clockwise vs clockwise and whether that was easier. Then I went down a rabbit hole of thinking buttons on each side of the wheel instead of a lever and how else the blinker could be made easier to use for people who maybe are dyslexic and switch stuff left to right.

Then..... I realized I was making the assumption that other people ACTUALLY USE their blinkers....

I wasted so much of my drive to work not listening to music...


  1. Beef Boss

    Beef Boss

    Wow, just... Wow! I never think that much about... Anything. Especially when I'm driving? I just listen to loud music and shake my car with bass

  2. 2FA


    I feel bad for the workers that install BMW blinkers.

  3. Beef Boss

    Beef Boss

    @2FA I feel bad for people who build German cars in general 


    Hehe, I'm such a troll <3


  4. ARikozuM


    Replace your blinker fluid every 2000 miles.

  5. Jtalk4456


    @aki adaki I'm ALWAYS thinking too much about random crap!

  6. ARikozuM


    At least you didn't go down the busiest streets when your phone decided to play Dancing Queen by Abba. 

  7. Beef Boss

    Beef Boss

    @ARikozuM I don't use that bumble fuckery I just use compact disks 

  8. ARikozuM


    What are those? Are those Wii games? 

  9. Jtalk4456
  10. ARikozuM