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Ya'll know what that means? 


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


  1. FloRolf


    I'm realizing rn that this looks legitimately like it's cocaine, lmao. 


    Hint: it's not that... 

  2. TVwazhere
  3. Windows7ge


    Looks about as sketchy as the packaging my HBA cards came in...which may be why US Customs withheld them for a month. I'll share a pic of the packaging a little later if I remember.



    I see your sketchy package and raise you my own. Quality Chinese packaging:


  4. FloRolf


    @Windows7ge heh, that looks legit :P

    But tbf the drives didn't ship like that, just packed into the box like that. On the other hand tho, the box was pretty beat up and I'm glad the drives work, lol. 
