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Everything posted by Camul

  1. Camul

    this lady at McDonald's looked like Keith Richa…

    I'm so glad I decided to pop back on here. I laughed so hard at this.
  2. I think you should just go to bed the old fashioned way, at least for one night.
  3. Well I'm just happy that people don't have the same access to guns here as they do in the US. If not outright banning the things, at least make it a lot more difficult to obtain them. It's scary to think that pretty much anyone is able to own a gun until after they do something bad. I know mental health care is also a problem, but a lot of people that have issues aren't going to seek help, or they can't afford it. I don't think putting people like that on an 18 month waiting list for free mental health care is going to be much help to them.
  4. Sorry OP. Sending a ticket is all you can do, but you're probably never going to get them back. I know Valve will sometimes reverse it if your account get's hijacked, but I don't think they do it often.
  5. I don't know if it's the right call, but I don't like it. It sucks for people who have slow download speed and data caps, and it also sucks for people who didn't want to have to use Steam to play the game. Paying for shelf space in the store is also really expensive.
  6. I don't really expect it to happen, but if I does I'm pretty sure they're only trying to steal my shit. I don't think that they deserve to die for that, even if it is shitty.
  7. Aisde from those who need a gun as a tool for their job, I see no reason for a person to keep a gun in their house. But there are downsides, like someone getting shot. I also don't know where they would store them. Find someone smarter than me to come up with an idea.
  8. I would say that those would be covered by the reasons I gave.
  9. There's only two good reasons to want to own a gun. Either it's a tool that's necessary for your job, or that you just like guns. I've never been convinced by the protection argument before though. What situation do you think you're going to be in where you're going to need a gun to protect yourself? It's just I've never known a person who was ever in a position where they needed a gun to protect themselves.
  10. I'm for it. Maybe we don't need to go straight to banning all guns outright, but the idea that most people have the ability to buy a gun and keep it in their home is unsettling.
  11. Clean shave or trim. On almost all guys a huge beard looks fucking disgusting.
  12. He really loves to put on a performance.
  13. I have no clue what that means. I never went to r9k,but I did go to v9k for like the first year when that was a thing. The place became full of assholes like that.
  14. The kid seemed like an Eliot Rodger to me. Especially if he was using the word 'normie'.
  15. This is becoming quite the trend. Seriously, I'm saddened and angry by this, and I really do mean that sincerely. It's just that this is so common now that I can't even be shocked by it any more.
  16. I think if someone is obviously doing it to affect your life then maybe do it as a last resort, but if you turn to a gun as the first method of solving a problem then I'm very fucking happy I don't live near you. But outside of that specific and unlikely scenario I think you're a unreasonalbe prick to do it.
  17. I have pretty much no muscle on my body. I'm kinda fat.
  18. I did college in the UK for game development. By itself it's not really worth a lot (I think), so I was supposed to go to uni, but I never did. Plus I also suck at it and hate it. So it's pretty useless to me.
  19. Say whatever you want, it was advice, not a demand. It makes you sound like you think your better than everyone. Talking about how shitty your own generation gives off that impression, so maybe just don't do it at all. Also I don't know what you mean about someone being obnoxious about it in public means. Unless you're talking about pride? I also don't know why you think people holding hands or kissing in public is so bad.
  20. I also find Dead Space scary, and nobody else seems to agree with me on that. Sooo, maybe I scare a little too easily in games, but I still hate playing them.
  21. Sure. I've heared that it's awesome, but the games are scary so I won't play them and I'm sure as fuck not reading a book.
  22. Camul

    Anti Social

    Where the hell do you hang out that you have an abundance of people defending meth around you? People don't like me because I'm boring, stupid and sometimes an asshole. Not what I want to be, but I don't know how to be 'social' with the majority of people. My solution is to just hide from life and all social situations for as long as possible. Worst solution ever, but I don't really know what else to do.
  23. Not really. Everyone hates PC to the extent it becomes overcontrolling and rediculous. Sorry buddy, but you're just like everyone else. Also, don't use the word 'millennials' and complain about your generation. It makes you look like an asshole. Also, being LGBT, I'm very happy that I did grow up in this generation and not the last one.
  24. Love Dany Boyle and I love Michael Fassbender, but everything I've read about Steve Jobs makes him seem like he was a totally abhorent peice of shit. So I don't know if I'm gonna get around to this.