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Everything posted by Bcat00

  1. Sigh, i wanted to snatch 1 up during the kickstarter but i already spent my cash on preordering the switch the day before i found out.
  2. Dont worry noctua foesbt makr liquid metal just use it.
  3. Yes any paste will do. Just stay away from the metallic stuff.
  4. Rogers die at least once every 2-3 month and bell doesnt even work alot of the times when raining. And you think shaw is bad?
  5. Industrial fans are made for durability, not acoustic. Better do your research next time.
  6. Dude, its a steel wire bent into a clip. Use your fingers and bend for goodness sake.
  7. ill buy that 1080ti off ya bro, just send it my way for half the price!
  8. In pretty sure hes painting it gold color and not actually coating it in gold.
  9. I just managed to order my switch from walmart this morning, cant wait to play it. nintendo can easily beef those numberd way higher considering all their online stocks fly off the order sheet usually within 15 minutes.
  10. both is fine, you can even use steel wires for all you like.
  11. You don't need any more heatsinks for the VRM and Mosfets, the backplate will be fine. What i do suggest though is getting more thermal pads because you definitely will not have enough with what they give you.
  12. I really don't understand whats the obsession of OCing your own card to oblivion. Does getting a extra 50hz get you 10 extra FPS? No...... Its at best maybe 1FPS in the most ideal of situations.
  13. Hmm, that's a very nice looking monitor. Honestly, if i were in the market for a 27inch around this time, i def be considering this baby.
  14. Am i misreading his post or did he say he broke it on the first day?
  15. Its most used because its either the cheapest or 1 of the only options to the masses. Heck, i rolled with a black and red mouse for a good few years because it was the cheapest 1 i can afford back in highschool.
  16. Stick with the predator TN panel if you play competitive overwatch. People say they don't feel the delay on a IPS but that's total bull. I love IPS panel but i'm not going to tell you to get it because the tiny fraction of a delay during intensive game reaction will drive you nuts like it did to me.
  17. You listed all your parts except the most important 1, your monitor!!! What monitor are you using? Without that, can't really tell you what you need to run it well.
  18. There's really no good white card out there other than the GALAX card, which costs a fortune compared to the others out there. Main reason for this situation has something to do with the difficulty related to making computer parts white.
  19. glad i have one of those big round compressors from home depot. i can blast air as much as i like during spring cleaning.
  20. i dont know what you prioritize in your headphone but i care about comfort above all else. Bose is my #1 pick over how insanely comfortable they are, just cant beat them.
  21. no one really knows because no one bothered to check. if everyone agrees theyre crap, no reviewer would try to test them.
  22. It will be fine, just a few degree difference with a second fan because your fan is a smaller one. Heck, i'm running a 1 intake fan config too right now because i pulled 2 of my intake fans to slap it on my gpu instead.
  23. From that question i'm guessing you never had the privilege of owning a pc in the 1990s. If you ever had a pc that sounded like a vacuum cleaner then you will understand.