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Everything posted by Chatzev

  1. Awesome! Shouldn't this be in build logs though?
  2. Impressive and very good value,, and this is without mantle
  3. World of Tanks- BC-25t is an absolute beast of a tank Favourite games have to be Skyrim, Far Cry 3, Oblivion, BF4, Borderlands 2 and Halo 3
  4. With the price drops on the FX 9590, it is currently only $4 more than a 4770k. Would it be worth getting (despite the TDP)?
  5. The Australian $ is too sh*t right now to even consider purchasing much tech-related stuff from amazon. I wish we manufactured something worthwhile here and I wish we could have another mining boom....
  6. This is really quite fascinating, and as seen throughout human history, we have generally predicted technological advancements but have expected them too soon.
  7. Now, it is only a matter of time before the Apple cult start saying "OMG, Apple totally innovated this! Everyone else is copying Apple, Apple is the best!"
  8. Buy a single card (R9 290)
  9. 8/10 Looks nice, but it doesn't look amazing