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Was aware of the lockpicking lawyer on YouTube, decided to binge a few, and holy shit!!!!


That guy is the best, it's all short and to the point, he's not stretching 3 minutes into 10:01 and it's SO refreshing!!!!


He genuinely deserves the views ;


  1. zeusthemoose


    Have you seen any of the April fools ones? Those are amazing.

  2. soldier_ph


    Oh yeah this guy rocks, I have bought a new Lock for my Electric Scooter based on his Opinion and recommendations through the videos and on reddit. Abus Bordo 6000 in black is the one that I have.

  3. Spotty


    BosnianBill is another good lockpicking channel, but his videos are a bit longer and he goes more in to the history of the types of locks and explains how to pick them and stuff. Personally I prefer LPL just because of how concise the videos are.


    Deviant Ollam is another good one and he's done a few videos with LPL. He looks at more pentesting techniques rather than specifically lock picking. His channel is a bit of a mess of random crap though so it's harder to find the actual pentest stuff, but his speeches he does at defcon and stuff are quite good and I think those are up on his channel.
