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Holy shit! we're going to be able to fly in ARR ?!??!?!!?!!!?!?!?!






Please, let this be true!!!!!

  1. TVwazhere


    That would actually be nice. Always seemed silly that you couldn't especially three expansions in. 

  2. Nowak
  3. WkdPaul


    Apparently they've been working on it for a while and the main problem was ARR maps weren't made for flight, so lots of collision issues and lots of assets that didn't have textures or modeling done when viewed from the top.

  4. ARikozuM


    Is 14 subscription only or is there a single-player option? I've always wanted to play but could never get a clear answer on this one. 

  5. Nowak


    Sub only. It's an MMO.

  6. WkdPaul




    it's subscription only, no single player.

  7. ARikozuM


    Hmm... Welp... It's doomsday for my social life. 

  8. WkdPaul


    I'm working from home, so I can't really play heavily during the day ... but grinding my crafting and gathering classes was possible because I can stop whatever I'm doing, whenever I need, unlike leveling your tank, healing or DPS classes which need to be a lot more active (like when doing a raid, you can't just stop for 30-40 minutes! :P )


    So with that, I've max my crafting classes and I'm slowly maxing my gathering ones! :D



  9. Nowak


    And here I am, just a fledgling level 21 conjurer.

  10. TVwazhere


    Those DoH jobs tho!!!! Damn

  11. ARikozuM


    Can you switch your class on the go?

  12. TVwazhere


    Yes you can literally bring up a menu of all your classes and switch in 1 second. There's no down time, load states or wait times, and all your gear switches with your classes based on your pre sets. Makes it easy to re-queue as different classes for dungeons and raids, no need to have separate characters either.

  13. WkdPaul




    yup, DoH (disciple of the hand) = crafting, I've maxed them out because of the quarantine. I mean, 2 weeks ago, I hadn't started the Weaiver, Leatherworker and Goldsmith classes yet !!!


    There's a reconstruction happening in one of the city, it lets you craft special items that you can donate for gold (Gils), XP and "seals" (that you can exchange for equipment and accessories), at lower levels, 2 or 3 items is enough to level up (up to level 55-60 I would say), after that you start needing a lot more, but it's basically an express route to lvl 80! :D



    For the DoL (gathering), there's no fast track, so I just gather whatever gives the most XP and then sell that on the market :P



    EDIT : didn't realized (or forgot?) you were playing FFXIV :) 


    Ishguard restauration FTW !!! lol
