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  1. Another not so know product i recomend to alot of people are chairs from a slovenian company called Spilanis (http://www.spinalis.si/default.php?PageID=1&GeoLoc=2) All chairs are ergonomically designed for active seating. That means the chair forces you to the right posture and does not allow for any kind of slouching.
  2. I've never cared much about the 60%, when the 100 isn't really that big to begin with. And the numpad is handy as heck when it comes to programming.
  3. Vesel: Jagher Fav videos : The server one https://www.vessel.com/videos/LCoY5zfFf and the Gigabyte review https://www.vessel.com/videos/DkWN4qqW1
  4. I'm loving these sort of videos, it is relatible to many more people, hope too see the second episode soon
  5. media pc in my living room, ooh that would be awsame. or or one could build a kick ass router out of the nuc or is that just a waste of the nuc?
  6. my favourite item: the cpu cooler. why: because my stock amd one screams evry time i run chrome with more than 5 tabs open.
  7. love the estetics of the card ! but i am wondering how much does a "silicon chip lottery" really affect performance?
  8. i*ve been looking into buying a new phone for quite some time now and i must admit the screen kinnda turns me off, it's too large.
  9. if they would make it yust 3 cm wider for the cables to go behind the mobo tray/plate instead yust getting tangled in the front
  10. to kill for a game concole.... that's yust phatethic.
  11. aaaaaaaaa i see what you did there for the headline, good wordplay. also i might buy it...... is lookes to be a good deal.
  12. i think the quality of the conector is going to be an issue with cheap cables... that conector does not look reliable and sterdy
  13. the first thing when i instaled windows8 is I instaled start is back, it just makes sense windows 9 should be windows 8
  14. The content is awsome, but i kinda miss all the unboxings. (the old one-takes were awsome)