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Everything posted by Virus__

  1. Got an Epiphone Thunderbird in Vintage Sunburst, which i've had close to 10 years now. For an Epiphone for what the brand is these days it's not bad, I also have a Hartke 60W amp to go with it.. I wouldn't mind getting a Diamond Hailfire, but it seems they stopped using Seymour Duncan pickups and switched to EMG, which doesn't appeal to me as much now. On top of that I have a Cort acoustic which I picked up for $10 from the local Salvo's op shop, I also have a Epiphone Les Paul Jr. Which has possibly one of the worst sounding pick ups i've heard in a guitar, if only P-90's were a reasonable price.. Just wish I had the room to have a few more guitars and even a drum kit.. I also used to own an Ibanez RG series 7 string, but sold it because I had no real want/need for a 7 string. Was a nice guitar though, which had from memory a genuine Floyd Rose.
  2. The only place i've seen FLAC & ALAC (Apples Lossless format) sold is where bands are selling their live recordings to the fans, like Metallica do and Red Hot Chilli Peppers... I'm sure there's a few more places selling FLAC, but it's not as common sadly. In a lot of cases it isn't much more to buy the CD and rip it as Lossless yourself in all honesty if that's possible.
  3. It's kinda a cool concept, and apparently the prices according to some Aussies are apparently "really cheap" for the games, which to me is kinda expensive, but yeah.. I do wonder how long it will be until we see GameStop roll this out to EB Games here in Australia and well whatever other countries they trade in.
  4. I say hell yes! Plus it also doubles as a stripper pole for when those works functions at the office get rowdy.
  5. I bought the trading cards to make the badge because I was too lazy to farm them, think I spent a grand total of $1.50
  6. Sale ends today/tonight/idk I live in Australia it finishes at 3am local time on the 22nd for me.. But the current prices are the best prices for each game that was seen through out the entire sale. It's how it has worked last few years now.
  7. Wasn't the whole "PC Master Race" phrase coined to make fun of those who claim PC gaming is superior & take it extremely serious by Yahtzee Croshaw of Zero Punctuation? I mean in that sense it was kinda funny at first, but the way some of the PC community took it, and wore it proudly on their chest really made me grow tired of it. I even had mates who started using it and displaying it proudly. Whilst I just sat around playing all the fun games across all the platforms enjoying myself lol.
  8. I have both of my VISA debit cards linked to my PayPal along with both of my bank accounts. Have you tried setting up a new PayPal account?
  9. I get that, but it was still shitty of the seller to wrap it like that. Also they never left me feedback, the asshole! lol.
  10. RAM hasn't moved much in price here in ages. I paid only $55 for my 8GB Hyper X kit in 2012, that same RAM now is between $80 & $100 depending where you shop...
  11. I kinda don't have anything that I am ashamed to say I like.. I like a few songs by Taylor Swift, Katy Perry & Lady GaGa, but shits catchy so whatever!
  12. Favourite, well that's probably the one I make. I make a base from scratch which I bakers flour (higher protein count than regular plain flour) and usually replace the olive oil with sunflower oil since it appears to give a softer dough, which is preferred. For toppings I usually go, mushrooms, bacon, chicken, caramelised onions (I used Captain Morgan spiced gold in them the other night, gave such an awesome flavour) along with a home made sauce. Sometimes I like to include olives & sundried tomatoes or crushed pineapple, then there's the option of having Danish & Hungarian salami.
  13. Pretty disappointed in all honesty. There is 2 games on my wishlist worth the $$ but I already have them on PS4 & PS3 and have finished & thoroughly enjoyed them. I'm disappointed the Life Is Strange season pass did not drop any further would've picked it up otherwise. I guess i'm just too used to Steam spoiling us in the past with these sales with insanely low prices.
  14. Nah man, the current iPod touch used an A5 processor which is 32-bit. Same CPU in the 4S, iPad 2 & iPad Mini.
  15. 2 hours. Went to bed at 6am was up at 8am. Was worth it though.
  16. This current PC? Err was something like 8 days when I went away last year to see some friends in Tasmania & Victoria, didn't even take my laptop with me. Just my phone, iPod & a couple of books. I didn't even miss not having a computer, I only wished I had a more capable phone since it struggled to do a lot of stuff other than make calls, send texts, use Twitter & Instagram.. Edit: when my last PC died in 2011 I was without a PC for like 12 months I only had my MacBook which then was 4 years old, I used that until I could afford to scrape together some $$ to get some budget parts to have something again, and it's still going strong!
  17. It's my current avatar, funnily enough. Been using it as an avatar for yeeeeeeeeeeears now. But saying that what he's wearing is a bit of a lie though, I don't have a Master of Puppets shirt. I only have a Damage Inc. shirt. I also don't wear Converse or Converse looking shoes, I only own Vans. Also I don't own any studded wrist bands anymore
  18. Soo option 2 is like North Korea or somewhere else similar, where all its citizens are in poverty and kept there forcibly anyway?
  19. Yeah, but every one i've made has never come out right, damn it. I scored a massive roll (like 100 metres or something) of Cat 6 solid core cable for like 30 bucks.. I should give it another shot, and run a cable to my room, but i'm so lazy...
  20. Yeah, that part sucks. I'm in a similar situation. I thought I could start a fund by just selling a bunch of stuff I didn't need on eBay, then I realised I needed to spend that money on things I require like clothes and pay bills, so that worked out well
  21. I hear ya, my mate did a build in one. I think he ended up spending close to (or more than) $2k AUD in the end..