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  1. Great video as usual, but in it you said these videos weren't as possible and I don't know if this has been said but for me it feels like that wouldn't be because of the lack of quality or boring products because frankly, they're superb. But I feel like the reason these do less well than most other videos is because it only targets a very specific audience. These videos are only really interesting if you are buying a motherboard right now, if you're not buying one, there's hardly a reason to watch this, and if you're buying one in a few months, there is hardly a reason either because by then there'll be new boards and these videos will be irrelevant. So the whole group of people that watch your videos because they like computer-tech and flashy-techy stuff won't be that interested in it, because it lacks the flashy, and it lacks the usefulness. If however you ARE buying a motherboard, I think these videos are fantastic and really beneficial. Although they maybe could've been released in less than 4 parts... Busy with other stuff and trying to fill the schedule?
  2. Yeah those are the ones I meant. It's a shame about the lack of features compared to the original doodoo coloured ones, this should have been the main product line, the more elite ones and the excrement-looking ones should have obviously been the worse ones...
  3. I've used these racing seats for a while (too short to be able to make proper judgement of them), but I find that they advertise the need of a "racing" style seat too much. While I get that they can be very comfortable and all, I personally find that the hype behind them is way bigger than it should be. I myself opted for a Ergohuman V2 when the choice for a new chair arose, and could not have been happier with this decision. The price difference isn't that big once you go over the $200,- mark for a chair, so if you're going to spend that much on a chair, why not buy an actual chair instead of a racing seat with loose cushions and what not. I'm 1.96 metres btw, or 6 foot 5.
  4. Yeah I wouldn't pained them either, Noctua should have never released those fans in the doodoo colour-scheme they came in in the first bloody place. The grey ones they released are a slight bit better but regardless still revolting.
  5. Seems promising. Very curious to see how it turns out, good luck!
  6. Nice and clean, shame of the Noctua colours. Very nice and clean otherwise.
  7. Looks rather nice. Not very special but nice and clean, neat. Shame of the colour of those Noctua fans, they are and always will be vile.
  8. Looks sweet. The double layered dragon logo looks really good on that. I hope when the build is finished it won't look too "black-paint-overload"-ish but I'm sure it'll look awesome
  9. I can't take a picture but just the appropriate magnetised tipped screwdrivers that I have lying around. They're not any fancy brand unfortunately but they do the trick. Can anyone recommend a really good, all-inclusive toolset, that contains all the bits and bobs you could possibly need for building, or just generally working on a PC, that's also built solidly? I've heard very mixed things about the iFixIt ProTech Toolkit, including from Linus, on one side that's it's cheap and good, but on the other that it's not that well-built... And as for the drink: A nice cup of Nespresso coffee, or any other really high quality coffee there is. Tea is also brilliant but generally I prefer coffee when building something
  10. It should be fine, you can wrap it in bubble wrap yeah but if you put it on the back seat and not a metal panel, make sure it doesn't shift around and doesn't fall off the bench, it should be perfectly fine. I've transported PC's that way and it'll be fine, as long as you don't wrap the car around a tree that is.
  11. The new block looks awesome, didn't even realise it was a paper backing until you said it. Looks great. Anyway as for the give away: The XSPC Raystorm would be preferable since I would not be able to fit/afford a custom loop water cooling system. And as for the question: (already exceeded my other questions previously ) but what set of tools do you use for all your main things? And I don't mean the huge machines for cutting and whatever, what is your preferred set of screw drivers and thingies for working on electronics? I've been interested in the iFixIt ProTech Tool-Kit but I've seen some very mixed reviews of it (shit quality versus great) and I desperately need a new set... (just using mixed bits and bobs I can scram together...)
  12. That's nice, didn't think it'd have such good airflow but that's awesome
  13. Are you keeping the desk that beautiful wood or are you changing the material (seeing the picture of the metal)? The leg room may not have been perfect but it did look nice with the wood in my opinion. By the way, what speakers are those and are they any good?
  14. When a video is uploaded, I'll watch it, even if it is for products I don't care about. Not because of some adoration for Linus (although he seems like a pretty swell fellow) but rather because the quality of the videos is usually so good I just enjoy watching them. And it never hurts to know stuff about things, even if it is out of your initial interest.
  15. Surprisingly this case looks really nice. Like how sleek it is without silly accents and over-the-top features on it. I semi-agree with you, having the case even smaller would be brilliant but honestly, I think a lot of people, but I could be wrong, would rather have a slightly bigger machine, with the things like a power supply built in, especially if the alternative is a (huge) external power brick... Unless they do a power brick perfectly right the first time I think it's seriously going to get in the way for people (and I'm talking original Xbox 360 size here).