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I know its been like this for a while but it needs to stop >:(

  1. themaniac


    isn't that just windows built in compressing tool, why is he complaining about that

  2. captain_to_fire


    That’s Microsoft’s subtle way of saying “Bitch Better Have My Money. Ya’ll should know me well enough”. ?

  3. iamdarkyoshi


    @themaniac No, its a 3rd party program http://www.winzip.com/win/en/


    Windows has a zip manager built in to the file explorer, this is different to that


    And "he" is me lol


    Thats my tweet

  4. vanished


    WinZip is sort of like FedEx.  It tricks you with the name


    It's a separate program

  5. themaniac


    oh now that I look at is closely I see the "@" now, now then, why the hell would windows install a 3rd party file compressor when it already has a compressor, that makes no sense

  6. iamdarkyoshi


    Probably because winzip paid them to ADVERTISE their thing on an operating system I paid MONEY for

  7. Techstorm970


    Meh, I don't mind it so much.  I get to experience the satisfaction of watching those extra programs burn as I delete them!  :D 

  8. flibberdipper


    I fuggin hate them because good old Comscam still has data caps so every gigabyte is precious :P 
