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Day Four - Justaphf, Set Phasers To Fold



Well, day four has come and gone, some interesting things are happening at the moment, a lot of shifting in the ranks. I can see many people celebrating, and many people commiserating. These early days are a time for everyone to stretch their legs, find their stride and try their best to maximise their output. Small tweaks here and there, the question is, will you risk it? An overclock can seem like a good idea to edge out that nearby rival but nidge it too far and you'll fail WUs and end up worse off than you were in the beginning. On a serious note, the sheer shift in production we can see from just last year is insane. Long gone are the days of a few million giving you a respectable table position; the days of tens of millions are here. A great sign for the project as a whole and for science, a bad sign if you are running older hardware. Also, remember the minimum requirements, they are there to keep you all honest. 


So let's have a look at how the team is doing, I have to say this is becoming my new favourite part of Folding Month! I think it is a great way to remind everyone that we are here, working together for the good of all of humanity, not just to earn points and ranks for ourselves. Over the last 24 hours, the team produced 2,315,926,305 points, once again making it a record-breaking day for Folding Month, I truly can't wait to see what we manage tomorrow, and the day after... Altogether for the four days of the event so far we have produced 7,756,737,156 points for the cause. Keep going, keep pushing, let's kick cancer et al in the ass. This was produced by folding a total of 6,219 Work Units over the last 24 hours giving us a total of 21,590 for the event as a whole, a truly incredible number for the short time we have been folding for so far. We have 1,157 days of activity so far for all participants of the event. So now for the breakdown, the top 10 ranks produced 38.65% of the team's total for today, the top 50 did 71.42% while the top 100 managed 85.83% of the production for today. The points for those are 895,203,745, 1,654,116,281, and 1,987,844,104 points respectively. I'm going to try to reach out to some of those who have yet to start folding today to try and get us a bumper production count for tomorrow and the day after. 


As I said in the beginning there has been quite some shaking up of the ranks, the top five haven't really changed and aren't looking to change but elsewhere there is a glut of movement to review so let's get into it. Mxyzptlk, ahh the good respectable Mixie is once again sitting on the throne with 483,876,109 points. I have to say with each passing day he is looking more and more untouchable. It seems like no one on the team is able to even match him, forget about dreaming to pass him. Shlouski has always been a man who can shake things up, and I know he has got reinforcements once already, the question is, is he able, and willing to get yet more cards added to his fleet. Regardless he is certainly doing well taking up second place with 451,020,513 points. miker07 my friend, it's nice to see you breaking out into a sprint, but you gonna have to do better than that. He takes up the rank of third with 408,585,397 points. Certainly nothing to turn one's nose up at. I have to say although at his current rate of production, he isn't going to be gaining anything without some major issues for those up the table, he certainly isn't going to be losing ground unless someone gains some assets. The LMG participant is up next in fourth with 367,786,832 points, jakkuh_t has proven to us in the past he can't go the distance, so hopefully this time he is able to keep it up throughout the whole event. Justaphf is looking poised to strike at the LMG participant, outproducing him today, he takes the rank of 5th with 315,107,744 points. Now, Alex Atkin UK, I'm not sure what is going on over there but you have had a very sorry day, he get's to keep his rank today but if he doesn't get those warp engines engaged again he will start sliding down the table. He takes the rank of 6th with 211,298,721 points. HaRdLy007 has continued his impressive pace for yet another day, leading him to gain two further ranks finding himself in 7th place with 185,748,469 points. Gorgon mentioned on the event thread that he may have not had the best of days and I have to say it shows with him dropping a rank, it will be interesting to see how he picks himself back up over this but for now, he is sitting in 8th place with 172,227,630 points. Bigjoe35 is another man on a mission, climbing an impressive 6 ranks to take 9th place with 170,532,735 points. Finally, we have the honourable gatekeeper, _Rlocke is taking up the post after sliding two ranks, I have to say I expected more from him, after being the first person to break a 100m day many years ago it's a shame to see him "struggle". Either way, he has managed to stay in the top ten and takes his post with 156,905,484 points. 


There has already been a lot of action today, but let's have a look at some other people across the table. Quickly looking over the people from yesterday, Wandering_Luddite has gained a further 51 ranks making him 225th overall with 2,878,112 points, Burton3516 has had a great day today gaining 91 ranks to take up 165th with 6,807,089, Aranwe however has not has the best day, he still gained 11 ranks to take up 205th with 4,232,640 and Nomeansno2 as the final person to check up on has gained a further 33 ranks to 124th with 11,201,245 points. I want to point out not someone who has gained, but the legend that is TVwazhere who managed to maintain his place of 10th with 14,371,335 points. If things go his way in the coming day he may gain some, but with some higher producing below him he could also lose out, only time will tell. CWP is another veteran of the team, he has gained 24 ranks today breaking into the top 100 sitting in 96th with 16,829,600 points. I want to give a special shout-out to Sant_HH who managed to produce the fewest points today, taking up the rank of 329 with 56,468 points. A legend who is willing to push through, a true example that no matter what you are folding on, you are worth it, your work is worth it. 


As you all can see, it is a very exciting update, another smashing of the daily record and a whole lot of activity across the whole table. Thank you to everyone for participating and remember, all is exciting when it's folding season. 



Please click on the link below to see the full list of ranks for the event.

For this event all of the ranks will be on one link, there will be individual sheets added for each day, you can navigate these at the bottom of the window. 


Folding Month VI Daily Stats


Please remember that this is a friendly event, but we are all folding away for Science, AND GLORY! 


I'm really impressed with the numbers we are seeing here, Thank you to all who are involved and who make this worthwhile every year.


Remember we are a team first and individuals second, so give thanks where thanks is due and hit that reaction button when someone helps you out.


Be wary of the minimum participation requirements of this event.


20 Days with activity*, 500,000 Points & 40 WU

(*activity is defined as completing at least 1WU for the 24 hour period)



Happy folding,





It is genuinely spectacular to see the exponential growth of points per day across the board the past three days of the event. The top 10 have been especially crazy! On days one and two, I was thinking I could gun for the top 10 if I really pushed it -- we were seeing numbers in the ballpark of 28 million to 34 million PPD at the lower ranks, and that's within my capability.

Now, just a few days later, nearly everyone in the top 10 has pulled out north of 50 million points in a 24 hour period. Absolutely insane numbers, people are doing fantastic work this year.

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Well I got to top 10 sweet but.... 1 of my servers turned off on its own and dell Idrac says "System BIOS has halted"... I'm to tired to fix it tonight...

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More bad news I work up to all my folders stopping... I have no clue why but my best guess is the power went out and my UPS's can only support a full load for 3 min. Probably not top 10 now but it all go's to a great cause so who cares. Time to grind my way back up!

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but the legend that is TVwazhere who managed to maintain his place of 10th with 14,371,335 points.

Lol I wish 😂 But I'll be happy if I can stay in the top 100 by the end of this ( currently 105th) 


Not bad though for three little hamsters (pascal cards) in a horse race

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