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Day Eight - Attack Pattern Omega

Well I am on the bus on the way home, I have a lovely 30+ min ride ahead of me, but do not hear, for I am here. I used my foresight to bring with me my new two-in-one tablet to be able to get this sorted for you all. I think I look forward to writing them as much as you guys look forward to reading them. There is only one other person on the bus who is also working on a laptop, I guess they are also running a folding event /s. But seriously, let's have a look at how the team have done today. @cb


GOTSpectrum in Event Update

Day Seven - The Close Of Week One Is The Opening Of Week Two

Well, here we are, just like that we have been folding for a week already! Where does the time go? It's not all that interesting today looking at the table but we are going to have a look and try to find something exciting. I want to take this moment to say thank you to every single person who has folded over the last seven days, we are advancing ahead as a team at warp speed and it is beautiful to see! Keep it up and we could overtake CureCoin before the end of the year! What a great Christmas


GOTSpectrum in Event Update

Day Six - Helmsman, go to 3/4 impulse

As I'm sure you can all understand I'm very tired after having to wait until 02:30 to manage to write this blog post thanks to not having internet. So I'm not going to make a big song and dance and instead will just go through some of the interesting movements in the ranks.    First up we are going to have a look ay a rising star, firedfly has gained another rank climbing to 7th with 317,026,286 points, meaning Gorgon ended up losing out, he may be able to climb one more rank at his cu


GOTSpectrum in Event Update

Day Five - Realign The Folding Matrix!

Well as many of you know I have been awake for like 40 hours at this point so let's see what my sleep-deprived brain can muster. Day five has come and gone, can you believe we have already put in a working week's worth of folding already? Time is slipping away, the clock ticks past the seconds one by one, Folding Month is passing you by faster than the blink of an eye. As the turbulence swells in the table of ranks, We'll soon see what everyone's got left in their banks. But not we go forth, to


GOTSpectrum in Event Update

Day Four - Justaphf, Set Phasers To Fold

Well, day four has come and gone, some interesting things are happening at the moment, a lot of shifting in the ranks. I can see many people celebrating, and many people commiserating. These early days are a time for everyone to stretch their legs, find their stride and try their best to maximise their output. Small tweaks here and there, the question is, will you risk it? An overclock can seem like a good idea to edge out that nearby rival but nidge it too far and you'll fail WUs and end up wor


GOTSpectrum in Event Update

Day Three - All Power To The Engines

The ranks are still very much in flux, which is to be expected to be the case this early in the event. As some people get going, and others tap out early, things will change, I'm not going to give too much weight to how these early ranks look outside of the fun aspect of seeing how the table is shaping up. We have had quite a few people stop folding, so here's a reminder that there are minimum requirements for the badge and prizes. The prizes are a random raffle of all participants who meet the


GOTSpectrum in Event Update


Well, the time has come for the first blog post of the event. I have to say that I am apprehensive about this year's event, not because I think anything will be wrong, outside of the usual issues, but because I'm taking part in NaNoWriMo this coming month and I'm expecting to change ADHD meds during the month.    I have to be honest that I'm surprised that I am still running events all these years later, but also, I also look forward to these events! I look forward to seeing the whole


GOTSpectrum in Event Update
