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Day Seven - The Close Of Week One Is The Opening Of Week Two



Well, here we are, just like that we have been folding for a week already! Where does the time go? It's not all that interesting today looking at the table but we are going to have a look and try to find something exciting. I want to take this moment to say thank you to every single person who has folded over the last seven days, we are advancing ahead as a team at warp speed and it is beautiful to see! Keep it up and we could overtake CureCoin before the end of the year! What a great Christmas present that would be! 


You all know what is coming now, let's see how we are looking as a team. A full week of folding flat out, what have we accomplished? Something that I have come to love about these daily updates and was missing from yesterday's blog, so let's get to it. Over the past 24 hours, the team produced a slightly lower 2,010,717,329 points, seems like someone is slacking. Hopefully, we can get some more hardware folding ASAP. We produced those points with a work unit count of 5,424 meaning that over the last week of the event we have folded 38,949 Work Units and that gives us a total point production of 14,148,830,856 points. The average points per day of the event team over the last week is 2,021,261,550 points, so today was slightly below average overall. Now looking at the breakdown the top ten people in the event produced 38.57% of the points for today, the top 50 did 68.83% and the top 100 managed 84.70% of the total. That equals 775,550,365 points, 1,384,024,307 points and 1,703,078,070 points respectively. Honestly, I have to say that is the best first week of any Folding Month event and really goes to show just how much people have stepped up their game, more specifically the middle of the table. Towards the top of the table, it is mostly around the same levels as last year but the number of people producing double-digit millions per day has really increased which gives us our much higher production rate. This really is a team sport. During Folding Month V, by the time a week had ticked over we had only produced 6,051,327,066 points, so we have more than doubled our event output. 


There has been literally no movement in the top ten this update so we will fire through them nice and quick so we can find something more exciting going on. Mxyzptlk remains unchallenged at the top of the table once again, and honestly, I'm starting to believe he can go the distance. There is not a single person who can even get close to him, forget about outproducing him to be able to catch up. He takes the rank of first, sitting on the throne with 855,318,820 points. Shlouski looked like he was going to keep pushing higher and higher during te early days of the event but it seems he is running his reactor at max and is unlikely to manage to pull off any kind of surprise attack. But it is still early and a stumble from Mixie could be capitalised on. He takes the rank of second with 793,478,204 points. miker07 the last man who has managed to maintain a production of over 100m/day for the last week is enjoying a comfortable third place, taking the rank with 735,093,187 points. jakkuh_t is as you all know our only LMG participant and honestly, I expected more from him, to not even break into the top 3 is sad when you think about the sheer massive amount of computers and hardware LMG has at its disposal. Either way, I'm glad he's here and he takes the rank of fourth with 643,818,863 points. For the last of the top five, we have the usual suspect, Justaphf, our number one man on the team, he has been outproducing Jake and I do expect to see him leapfrog the LMG man in the next few updates. He takes his rank with 612,947,029 points. Alex Atkin UK is up next, once again sitting in 6th place with 397,043,185 points. He needs to be careful as the man behind did our produce him and his rank may suffer a loss if he isn't careful. firedfly has been doing really well lately, although like the rest of the top ten he hasn't moved a rank he is certainly looking to be in good form and could climb another rank. However, without reinforcements, that's where his story will end. He takes the rank of 7th with 393,420,029 points. Gorgon is sitting in 8th place and looks pretty decent out on the field, he is incredibly safe in his position and it would certainly be an upset if someone was able to knock him down. He takes the rank of 8th with 373,028,456 points. _Rlocke, a legend of the team is sitting in 9th place with 277,557,581 points. Finally, for the top ten, we have Bigjoe35 taking up the post as the honourable gatekeeper, but he had yet another sorry day and is unlikely to keep his post for much longer. He takes the rank with 239,236,676 points. 


Let's see where those we looked at yesterday are. mehrab2603 is up first, they have gained yet another two ranks taking up 39th with 76,027,025 points. Ir8munk33 is the next person who also had a good day, he has gained a further five ranks taking him to 40th with 73,904,585. Taene gained yet again, only two ranks this time, he takes up the rank of 49th with 62,811,085 points. leadeater gained once again a further seven ranks to take 68th with 47,165,321 points. Conman1700 has continued to show us that his early performance was all part of a short-long con, gaining an impressive 32 ranks to take 85th with 37,040,330 points. Burton3516 continues his push up the ranks gaining 16 ranks and taking up the 104th slot with 28,584,482 points. deemey95 had a solid day today and gained 20 ranks to take up 162nd with 13,211,955 points. Moving further down the ranks we have one of our prize donors, SirSaibot, who gained 33 ranks today to take 195th with 9,266,377 points. BigDaddy6969, love the name btw, gained 31 ranks to find himself in 241st with 4,286,662 points. 


As you can see, even if the top of the table is relatively calm and dare I say... boring... the rest of the ranks has all the action going on and there's something for everyone to love. Keep going, keep folding, and push harder. One week down, four weeks to go. 




Please click on the link below to see the full list of ranks for the event.

For this event all of the ranks will be on one link, there will be individual sheets added for each day, you can navigate these at the bottom of the window. 


Folding Month VI Daily Stats


Please remember that this is a friendly event, but we are all folding away for Science, AND GLORY! 


I'm really impressed with the numbers we are seeing here, Thank you to all who are involved and who make this worthwhile every year.


Remember we are a team first and individuals second, so give thanks where thanks is due and hit that reaction button when someone helps you out.


Be wary of the minimum participation requirements of this event.


20 Days with activity*, 500,000 Points & 40 WU

(*activity is defined as completing at least 1WU for the 24 hour period)



Happy folding,




I feel like I'm being jostled around in a crowd the way my rank keeps bouncing around lol. My score is down a bit because my breadwinner rig was down for maintenance and modification to reach for lower temps on the VRMs and CPU. If you're interested, I commented on the day six post about some of my mods and changes. It is rather exciting to see if I can climb back up.

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Well! I managed to stop my slide! 2 days at 105, maybe I can climb back into the top 100. Dropped my CPU and picked up 1m PPD. We will see. Was just reading through last years totals and it looks like our current front man will do almost 50% more than the current record at his pace. Crazy, live to see it ! 

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5 hours ago, TVwazhere said:

I'm starting to think top 100 is a brick wall I wont be able to push through.

I'm at 100th with a relatively steady 4M PPD, but barrier for top 100 seems to be 5M PPD. 

normally @GOTSpectrumwould do this, but i'll just leave this link here just in case you want to step to the dark side increase your production https://www.inno3d.com/en/PRODUCT_INNO3D_GEFORCE_RTX_4070_Ti_X3

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