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  1. -> Moved to Hobby Electronics That's definitely a dead cap. Might be other things but not that we could see there.
  2. Nothing. Try it, can aways reenable if Windows doesn't boot. If that's the case then use msconfig to set Windows to boot to safe mode, disable, boot, set back to normal and it'll run normally again. The issue's more likely either with the connection or the SSD itself though.
  3. A TEC only allows moving some heat a little further away and unlike a fan can bring the temp below ambient... but at the price of multiple times the total heat output you still have to get rid of.
  4. Do you want even more heat out? Because that's how you do
  5. You can pay for it just a month at a time when you need it, no point putting yourself in the situation of defaulting on payments.
  6. I guess if you have the CPU in it avoids the risk of dropping something into the socket and bending pins while working.
  7. Tried powering on the large one, connecting the cable to it, then connecting the cable to the small one while it's still off?
  8. You want a standoff to be there under every mobo screw hole so you can install one, and none where the mobo has no screw hole so it doesn't cause shorts. All there is to it.
  9. I doubt anyone's gonna be able to explain it better than he does at 1:15:30. Basically "finger tight" using a normal screwdriver's shaft. Give it some torque but without forcing it.
  10. The problem is that it's a multiple variable situation. If you're at the throttling temperature and cool more it'll just throw more power and still stay at the same temperature, so performance vs temperature means nothing, you're on a flat line. If you're limiting the power performance vs temperature also doesn't matter since the thing it would do when termperature gets lower is increasing power but you're preventing it from doing so. So power is key in the end.
  11. That's when you get an insanely overkill cooler like the chiller LMG has, isolate the component you want to test, and gradually increase the cooling power and graph performance vs power. Once that's done you know that if a cooler is able to dissipate X power it's gonna give Y in performance.
  12. Did you try to set the OS to sleep the drives after an inactivity period?
  13. IMO, power. If the goal is to see how cooling is affected I would do all that at fixed CPU and GPU power limits, validating with an external power measurement plug. I don't know why most people don't account for that, if you want to evaluate cooling solutions it's straightforward to dump a known amount of power into them and compare the temps.