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About AlexStriz

  • Birthday March 4

Contact Methods

  • Steam
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  • Twitter

Profile Information

  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    Getting Schwifty
  • Interests
    Tech (who knew?), cars, skiing, drawing, reading, music, gaming, traveling, graphic design, the internet, YouTube, Top Gear, Mighty Car Mods, Key and Peele, Monstercat, J. Cole, Wu-Tang, xNeil deGrasse Tyson, space, Ken Jeong, HAIL NIPPON, eating, sleeping, basically everything
  • Biography
    Born in Virginia. Moved to Colorado at 13 to pursue alpine ski racing. Broken many bones and torn lots of things since then, but still love skiing. Minimalist. Slight perfectionist. Self-diagnosed OCD. Professional procrastinator.
  • Occupation
    Student at VSSA
  • Member title


  • CPU
    Intel Core i5 4690k // Intel Core i7 3520M
  • Motherboard
    Gigabyte Z97 UD5H_BK // Some random laptop motherboard. It's got a black PCB..
  • RAM
    16gb Kingston Fury Black 1866mhz // 16gb Crucial 1600mhz
  • GPU
    Gigabyte Winforce GTX 780ti // Intel HD 4000 (do you even GPU bro?)
  • Case
    Fractal Arc Midi R2 // ... The Laptop?
  • Storage
    Sandisk Extreme Pro 240gb + 2x Seagate 2tb HDD // 512gb Crucual MX100 + 1tb Seagate SSHD
  • PSU
    EVGA Supernova G2 750W // 5770mAh Battery
  • Display(s)
    X-Star DP2710 - Debezeled and VESA mount mod // 1280x800 Built-In TN Display
  • Cooling
    Cryorig R1 Ultimate // A single blower fan
  • Keyboard
    Ducky Shine 3 White LED MX Blue // Old Blue Razer BlackWidow Ultimate Stealth Mac MX Brown
  • Mouse
    Minx Naos 7000 // Old Blue Razer Deathadder (does not want to die)
  • Sound
    Audio Technica ATH-M50RD + Fiio E10k
  • Operating System
    Windows 8.1 + Linux Mint Cinammon + Elementary OS // Mac OS 10.10 + Windows 7 Premium
  • PCPartPicker URL

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  1. Why is AMD out of the question? Does the higher VRAM not help? Also, why did you chose a gaming card over a workstation one? For the price of a 980 I could get a K2200. Is there any advantages to use a 980 for CAD?
  2. Ok, here's the gist. I work for a 3D printing/architecture/modeling place, and they want me to help them build a new CAD/3D editing workstation. I'd consider myself pretty computer literate (that's what a few years on this forum will do to you). The only problem is, I know almost nothing about computer hardware outside of the consumer/enthusiast side. I've done a bit of research, and so far I feel like I've only grazed the surface of workstation computers, and it's kinda overwhelming to be honest. I'd like some help gathering info on what components I should buy with my budget. Some applications I use are: SketchUp/AutoCAD Meshmixer/Blender/Maya Photoshop Illustrator DAVID - 3D Light Scanner Here is some stuff I've researched so far. Feel free to ignore this. All this new info is kinda overwhelming though, so any info/help would be greatly appreciated. Feel free to correct me if anything I've learned is wrong. TL;DR Help me build a good 3D editing rig for $1k-1.5k. I'm really looking into help with CPU/GPU. And also an explanation of why you chose said parts. Storage, cases, and other stuff I can handle myself.Thanks.
  3. Welp, I've been on this forum for more than a year and a half now.. I think it's about time I move on. Thanks for everything guys, it was fun. PM me if you want to exchange contact and whatnot. Have fun y'all.

  4. Well, I've decided it's about time I leave the forum, and in turn that means I won't be around this thread anymore. As someone who had a helping hand in making this thread ( ), and who's been here since @techswede made it almost a year ago (less than one more week until the one year anniversary!), it's been crazy seeing this thing grow. It's pretty cool seeing how cars can pull so many different people together, and especially on a forum dedicated to computers. I don't wanna write a super long goodbye letter/sob story thing or whatever, so I'll leave it at that. I had fun talking to you all about cars. As a final parting gift, here are some for all of you. Sorry if I didn't get everyone, it's been a while since I've been really into this thread, and it's still growing, so there are a few new faces I don't really know.. techswede AlwaysFSX Speedyv RevoltTrain FuzzyYellow bob345 Frankie JoaoPRSousa Maybach123 MEC-777 chaozbandit Real_PhillBert bcredeur97 vinyldash303 And of course, terrytek Take care y'all. PM me if you wanna exchange contacts or whatever. Have fun and drive safe. And no more Wagon or Stance Wars, please.. We're all car people. Respect other's opinions. And be nicer to Terry, he can be okay sometimes Anyways, I'm rambling now. Peace.
  5. Here's a pro-tip some people may not realize: If there's a cop behind you, don't run a red light.
  6. A Nissan VH/VK is another option I learned about recently. A version VK was used in Nissan's R35 racecar. Also, apparently Nissan sold the engine design to McLaren, who modified it and still uses in all their cars (P1, 650s, 12c, etc.) That wouldn't be a bad option either. They're pretty cheap on eBay. Wow, is Cali really that strict? That blows. Would they really check your car to make sure your tranny is one originally offered with your motor? How about a 2UZ? The Tundra came with a 2UZ and manual. Land Cruiser too I believe Nevermind, may not be correct.
  7. I dont know. It bugs my OCD a bit. I like keeping it in-brand. But LS's may be an exception, since they're so common/cheap/powerful/reliable. Yeah, I know. I actually saw him at a C&C back in VA two summers ago. Definitely top 1 or 2 dream car for me (although I may be biased). It was the first thing I posted on this thread on the first page Once I get more time and money, I'm making my car very similar to that.
  8. LS1's are lighter than S62's. And it is significantly cheaper, especially when factoring upkeep/maintenance into the picture. And like you said, it'll make power loads easier. That being said, I'd rather have an S62 in my car than an LS1. Putting a pushrod American engine into a German luxury car seems a bit sacrilegious S62's are also arguably one of the best power plants BMW has ever created. It would feel odd not to put it into a BMW that you're planning on V8 swapping, or at least considering it as an option
  9. That looks good. 5.7 is still pretty big IMO. How's fuel economy compared to a 5.3 or 4.8? Probably more about gearing? If I ever end up doing the swap, I'd most likely lean towards an L33, because the smaller displacement, but still an aluminum block... or an S62 Nissan made a VQ30DET from factory for a few JDM models. That being said, they ran super low boost.. maybe I should turbo mine To further fuel the want