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  • CPU
    AMD Ryzen 3700X
  • Motherboard
    ASUS Strix X570-I Gaming ITX
  • RAM
    Corsair Vengeance RGB PRO Black 16GB 3600MHz
  • GPU
    Nvidia RTX 3060 Ti Founders Edition
  • Case
    NZXT H210i
  • Storage
    1TB Corsair Force MP600 PCI-e Gen 4 & 2x 2TB Seagate Barracuda
  • PSU
    550w CS550M
  • Operating System
    Windows 10 Pro

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  1. Sorry if you're quite young and this ruins life for you, but drugs are prevalent in EVERY job ever. There are no speaky clean jobs out there, fact.
  2. How can you genuinely feel like you can back out of an agreement for sale of a product simply because you don't like who made the product anymore?
  3. That's literally shopifys fault.
  4. Yes Impressionists make a living from it. Anyone able to speak is capable of putting in the practice and a LOT of effort - you have to be using it in all aspects of you life. You have to think in the accent, practice the words in spare time with videos or conversations with other native speakers, you can get it down within a few years. Bonus points if you’re a little neuro diverse. ND people pick up and mirror accents without thinking about it.
  5. This is great - I will do a full test with this while playing games and streaming to dis Initial testing shows pings are failing as near as, I have an ITX mobo with no PCI-E slot spare other than my GPU, and my CPU doesn't have integrated GPU. I think I'm best looking for a USB C controller with a quality NIC chip in it to test
  6. Hi everyone, thanks for your help and guidance in advance for this. The issue This is an issue I've been battling with ever since I built my new PC and still have absolutely no idea what's causing my issues. I built my PC early 2021, and specifically waited for my motherboard to be available so I could pay more and experience less issues. Essentially - I'm getting extreme packet loss over any network interface that no other device in my house has any issues with. I even moved address completely at one point, using a different ISP and I'm still experiencing extreme lag episodes and packet loss so I know now it's my PC. It doesn't always happen - it happens for a small period then it's absolutely fine again. C:\WINDOWS\system32>ping www.google.co.uk -t Pinging www.google.co.uk [] with 32 bytes of data: Reply from bytes=32 time=21ms TTL=115 Reply from bytes=32 time=22ms TTL=115 Reply from bytes=32 time=15ms TTL=115 Reply from bytes=32 time=17ms TTL=115 Reply from bytes=32 time=15ms TTL=115 Reply from bytes=32 time=14ms TTL=115 Reply from bytes=32 time=12ms TTL=115 Reply from bytes=32 time=24ms TTL=115 Reply from bytes=32 time=13ms TTL=115 ---*snip*--- Reply from bytes=32 time=15ms TTL=115 Reply from bytes=32 time=14ms TTL=115 Request timed out. Reply from bytes=32 time=17ms TTL=115 Reply from bytes=32 time=18ms TTL=115 Request timed out. Reply from bytes=32 time=19ms TTL=115 Reply from bytes=32 time=18ms TTL=115 Reply from bytes=32 time=14ms TTL=115 Reply from bytes=32 time=15ms TTL=115 Ping statistics for Packets: Sent = 153, Received = 131, Lost = 22 (14% loss), Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: Minimum = 12ms, Maximum = 145ms, Average = 26ms As I write this, I'm completely kicked out of discord, lagging like crazy on rocket league, I'm about to move from wireless to LAN and it's fine, until it's not. It will happen on LAN, so I move to wireless and then it's fine. There's no consistency at all. PC Specifications: Motherboard: ASUS Strix X570-I Gaming https://rog.asus.com/uk/motherboards/rog-strix/rog-strix-x570-i-gaming-model/ Includes Intel AX200 Wi-Fi 6 & Intel I211 Gigabit LAN CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 3700X (Non-overclocked - part of troubleshooting) RAM: Corsair Vengeance RGB Pro 3600Mhz 2x8GB C18 CMW16GX4M1Z3600C18 GPU: Nvidia GeForce RTX 3060Ti (Stock FE) Storage: 2x M.2 & 2 HDDs PSU: Silverstone 850w SFX Nominal temps: 45C idle, 67C load Attempted troubleshooting steps: Hotspot from mobile, move between Wi-Fi/Ethernet Update BIOS Update LAN network driver directly from Intel Intel® Ethernet Adapter Complete Driver Pack - 27.6.1 (Released this month) Update Wi-Fi Network Driver directly from Intel Windows® 10 and Windows 11* Wi-Fi Drivers for Intel® Wireless Adapters - 22.160.0 (Released August) Check high performance power options is selected in windows Move out after ~12 months of issues, try another ISP Windows Update & Update Graphics Drivers from Nvidia Experience (Will be more obvious in a second) Upgrade to Windows 11 Downgrade to Windows 10 Reinstall Windows 10 because my refurbished corsair MP600 1TB m.2 died Check my homes' ground connection - good connection Remove any overclocks Reinstall all drivers as a result Upgrade to Windows 11 Reinstall all drivers again because still having issues Change adapter settings - Remove green ethernet, remove power saving modes etc. Check event viewer - I get various errors but not sure what reasons: Intel(R) I211 Gigabit Network Connection - e1rexpress Network link is disconnected. (I think because I moved from Wi-Fi back to Ethernet?) Name resolution for the name xxxxxx timed out after none of the configured DNS servers responded. Client PID 24440. - Happens after I start having issues Netwtw10 - 6062 - Lso was triggered - Random Unfortunately, nothing else is usually logged before or directly after I start experiencing issues in Event Viewer. Try another DNS provider, google public, Cloudflare etc. Check online for similar issues and attempt the fixes there, nothing has worked so far and crawled around 50 forum posts Internet Specifications: Here are my speedtest results on LAN: https://www.speedtest.net/result/13705341594 Speedtest Wi-Fi: https://www.speedtest.net/result/13705348569 My LAN setup isn't perfect, I can't run a full ethernet cable so using an ethernet only 500mbit powerline adapter. Bearing in mind, I have tested this with my work laptop and get no packet loss (1 of 4000 pings) on this adapter, whereas my PC will get packet loss episodes on both the powerline and Wi-Fi, even if ethernet device is disabled. I have a 350mb ISP service. Something unusual that triggers the issue/makes it worse: If I stream games on discord, I immediately start experiencing issues. I start lagging, with episodes lasting around 1 second every 15 seconds or so. Absolutely baffling. Reducing streaming settings does not improve network performance. Game performance is completely fine, no drop in framerates etc. Meanwhile, my phone and other devices don't experience any issues while I'm trying to speak to people in discord and they describe my voice as "GLADoS" Anything that anyone can add, including any websites or any basic troubleshooting steps that I might have missed would help a lot. Next step for me if this doesn't work is full RMA of my motherboard Cheers
  7. With the context menu specifically, what do you mean? Everything is right there. If you're installing stuff that bloats the menu just remove it or install windows clean.
  8. This is a very well-documented question already, and the answer is it depends. You can have your key pulled randomly as you're buying an enterprise key, but other than that usually fine. The sites themselves- depends on the site.
  9. Yes - Cases follow the ATX specifications. You can have a look at those files to see what the requirements are EDIT: you may even be able to start with a basic CAD file and go from there
  10. Glad it's fixed! I hope many others will come across this in the future and it helps them as well
  11. First thing I'm thinking is that your SSD or HDD could be showing problems. If your game is installed on HDD, check SMART status using Crystal Disk Info. SSD Faults are hard to come by and detect, I just recovered from an SSD failure that did this problem except the screen would remain on, but hard crashed. Eventually (1 week after) the SSD was completely dead - even though SMART was good. Second could be RAM related. Might be worth getting memtest86 (Don't worry, it's 64 bit and will test all your RAM) and throwing it through it's paces for the night. Other than that, googling didn't show any similar issues but crashing on two games is indicative of a fault with the above. Is windows silently bluescreening? Do you have any critical errors in event log?