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    South London

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  1. Old snap-on ones like the solas pro can be had for like no money, they're ok on older stuff
  2. I drove a truck for sixteen years. The shifts started out,two weeks of days and one week of nights which then changed to two weeks of nights and one week of days.On an average week we would around sixty hours. My best advice to dealing with a situation where you have to go to work when you want to go to sleep is very simple,,,If you want the money get on with it and go to work, it really is as simple as that.
  3. If you just had it done, if you get the paint from the same place, new paint from the same mixing scheme should be bang on. As you have some old paint but not sure you have enough or you are sure you don't have enough, get them to get some new and use that for the first two coats and then use your old paint on just the drop coat and it should be cock on.
  4. by that same reasoning ......Nelson Mandela was locked up for saying what he thought "life choices"?
  5. I was just going to say I bet that would look great if you wrapped the trims in black or got some oem shadowline ones. I just bought a E92 a few days ago for a daily.
  6. Just like my old shed, been a great work car over the years, sadly going to brake it soon due to that idiot Mayor
  7. Well this joined the fleet, guess we're going to find out if N54 life is all it's cracked up to be.....
  8. I bought a Hornady Hot Tub Sonic Cleaner a few years ago and it has been much more useful that I ever thought.
  9. As an old Brit I get exactly what you are saying.Over here we call vacuums a Hoover as in "doing the Hoovering" same sort of thing.
  10. 99.9% of us work to pay for the 0.1% that's how is is and mostly everything in the media is a distraction to keep it that way.
  11. Another vote for the Cardo Packtalk Bold, been using their products for over 10 years. I think it add safety on group rides for sureand is a convenience when alone..