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HELP!!! - System Thread Exception Not Handled


I've had this computer for about 8 months now with little to no issues. Starting yesterday, 02 August, anytime my computer would wake from sleep it would display the blue screen along with the issue being listed as "System Thread Exception Not Handled." Following the system check, it would boot up normally. The weird thing is, the system works perfectly fine when not waking from sleep. This includes regular use, gaming, computer restarts, cold starts, etc.. 


Now 02 August marked two changes I made to my computer. First, i updated to the latest NVIDIA graphics driver (398.82) for my 1080 Ti FTW3. Second, I replaced my computer power cables with custom CableMod cables for the CPU, MB, GPU, SATA, and MOLEX power adapters. I also performed standard Windows Updates. 


The first thing I did to troubleshoot the issue was turn to forums online. From these, it says the System Thread Exception Not Handled error typically has to do with driver issues. As such, I went to device manager to see if any of my installed hardware had the yellow exclamation mark next to it indicating an issue. All hardware appeared to be functioning normally, and I've had no issues with any of my installed hardware as stated. 


The next step I did was to load the System Logs. In these logs, there are regular error logs pertaining to various COM Server applications with CLSID. The top line of these logs always says, "The application-specific permisison settings do not grant Local Activation permission for the COM Server application with CLSID." With that said, the message content below differ from each other. I've contained several screen shots of the most common messages of the log to give you all some idea behind the issues I'm having. 


Really hoping some of you on this forum will be able to give me some help! I've never run into this issue before and really don't want to wipe my computer and start again. Thanks for the help. 














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I found a post regarding 10016, and it informed me to go to regedit, then navigate to:




Then to delete the following four keys:

1. DefaultAccessPermission

2. DefaultLaunchPermission

3. MachineAccessRestriction

4. MachineLaunchRestriction


Then to restart my computer. Apparently, this will force Windows 10 to re-enable the default keys. Now I will admit, when it comes to computer coding, or registry edits, I am completely inexperienced and don't want to go around deleting registry keys without good reason. 

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So far, I was able to get in contact with a friend that had a similar issue and it was overclocked RAM related. I had updated my BIOS to the latest revision about a week ago, and re-enabled XMP-3200 profile for my Corsair Dominator Platinum DDR4 3200 MHz ram. After disabling XMP and setting the speed to default 2666 MHz, the problem seems to have been alleviated (at least in the short term). I won't know for sure until I let my computer stay asleep for the night and see what happens in the morning. 


The Event Log issues are still persisting, but I'm not really sure how to fix them. If this fix doesn't work, i don't know what other option to do other than a fresh install of Windows 10 and re-downloading and configuring my system. 


Still looking for anyone smart in this subject to give me a little advice. Thanks. 

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