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Is the late 2011 MacBook pro defunked?

Dear helpful tech guru(s), 


Ive been using a late 2011 MacBook pro, the video card has now crapped out 3 times, and I don't know what my next best course of action is as I can't afford much over $500 right now. 


Back story - 

The first 1st time I took the computer in to an apple store for repairs back in 2014 & paid for repairs. The 2nd time was a few weeks later as the problem wasn't fully fixed & thankfully wasn't charged anything. 

The 3rd time was a few weeks ago where I was told that the late 2011 model has been problematic & should be issued a refund for the charge of the initial repair back on 2014. 

After hours of phone calls with Apple, their reps says it's now too late. 


Now - 

After paying a 3rd party technician $310 CAD (I live in Vancouver) to fix the video card issue, the video card is glitching out again, below I've attached a screen shot I took today,

I feel like I have no choice but to buy a new laptop once I can afford it. 


What do you guys recommend for editing laptops? 

All 3rd party technicians I've talked to all say how the late 2011 model is not worth fixing and yet I can't afford to get a new laptop to edit video on


Are you guys ditching apple now? 


Appreciate any advice, 


Much obliged, 


Owen H Thomas 




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17 minutes ago, Owenswake said:


Should really have replaced it long ago it seems, like with an i7 thinkpad of some kind.


It seems like it's really not worth fixing that thing, just searched rossman 2011 GPU on youtube, got a good number of results, seems like a typical problem.


I edit my posts a lot, Twitter is @LordStreetguru just don't ask PC questions there mostly...



What is your budget/country for your new PC?


what monitor resolution/refresh rate?


What games or other software do you need to run?



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If it's getting RMA'ed that many times, it's surely time for an upgrade.


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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm in the same boat as you. I had the board replaced from an authorized repair shop. It didn't work. Recall was issued, had the board replaced at the Apple store in Oakridge. Now it's problematic again. Same as your screenshot only this time no kernel panics. I'm wondering if any private repair shop would be able to fix the recalled replacement boards? Or even if there is a guide for me to do it myself?

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