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Learning Swing


So I've really been wanting to learn JavaSwing because its like the best GUI (So I heard) for doing simple object oriented programming. I just haven't found a place to learn it very well... I looked into some of the sites that the guy posted and had stickied here but they just taught basic Java which I am doing pretty well with so far. I know a lot of basic Java from taking classes on it for like 6 months and doing it on my own time... Thanks.

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Also, I would suggest learning JavaFX over Swing any day. It's much more modern and uses modern standards (Like XML) which just makes everything more smooth and easy to use. It also takes a lot less work than writing a Swing GUI programmatically. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

If you are still needing help, look into NetBeans' GUI tutorials with their built in GUI designer/editor.

It literally puts the GUI framework together and all you have to do is add functionality to the objects.

Admittedly the code it generates is kind of messy but you can clean it up.

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