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1440P Monitor for graphic design.




My girlfriend has taken up graphic design and will be doing it full time once she finishes school. Currently she is using an old monitor I had laying around a Samsung 22inch 1680x1050 which is fine for web browsing but it is horrible for her work and we have had a hell of a time getting it to work well with our printer. Also we own the X-rite color munki display so the display has been calibrated but its just not cutting it so I want to purchase a nice monitor for her.


Right now she is using my old PC ( GTX 560 ssd, 16gb rTI, i5, 120gb am) which is an alright build for what she needs at the moment but I am planning on building her a new PC in the near future but like I said earlier the monitor needs to be replaced ASAP.


I am looking into 1440p Monitors because apart from her work she does like to play light games like Sims and may get into the odd FPS game.  so I figured if I went 1440p I wouldn't need to shell out a ton of cash when I build a computer in order to utilize that 4K display.




What monitor(s) would you guys recommend for  $300-500.00 CAD? Is this enough to get a good display with accurate colours?


She would also like quite a large monitor something she can easily work on two things at once on.. as right now she is used to using the monitor talked about before and an even smaller 19inch just for extra space so I was thinking 29" +


Any help or suggestions much appreciated.





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