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ASUS Z370 Motherboard Load Line Calibration & coil whine issues?

Hi,I'm planning a build with the coffee lake series(i5-8600k)https://in.pcpartpicker.com/list/96cZkT  but lots of reviews about the ASUS motherboards seem to be about Load line calibration issues(bios 0430 seems more stable) and complaints of coil whine too and Aorus boards have VRM heatsink issues(which is apparently solved by adding a thicker thermal pad and few other solutions in a youtube video but it voids the warranty).Since,i'm in India my options are down to ASUS(RGB syncs with everything=1 board to rule them all) , Aorus with crappy customer service and MSI.

This is my first build ever(currently own a Intel Core 2 duo E4500) and would like some advice on whether to proceed with the Strix-E or waitfor a year or so(till the new tech irons out its flaws) and go for a build with a Intel PentiumG4560 -https://in.pcpartpicker.com/list/FQXHYr.

Can You tell me if i have gone wrong in the cooling or any other aspect of the build(will try to overclock game at 4.7-4.8ghz)advice for or against will be appreciated.







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