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Why is the PC the master race?

On 22/09/2016 at 3:44 PM, Maist said:

Oh well sorry, i really forgot to mention that the pc also has countless hentai and failed indie puzzle game no one give a flying fuck about. Really sorry.

As a PC gamer myself, i'll gladly trade all of these stupid semi hentai games steam has to offer for a franchise like Uncharted.


A PS4 costs like 300$ in Amazon. A GTX 1060 alone (note that i said ALONE) costs 280$, and we all know that in two years the PS4 will still run every game out there while the GTX1060 will be a shit card running new games on low 1080p at best.


I'm a "pc master race" myself, heck i dont even own a console, but please, please stop acting like a retarded 14 years old kid going around and yelling at everyone that his toy is better and theirs is shit.



Really dude? 






You don't need a 1060 to outperform a Console and you would STILL spend less money overall after all the overpriced console games that WON'T be able to use on the NEXT consoles to come. While on PC you can play a 15yo game... Clearly you have no idea what you are typing right now. I'm not attacking you. I just want you to open your mind.

Edited by 3vitor
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