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Searching for a new monitor, no idea what i should get


Samcool55 here


So i have been looking around for a new monitor but i have no idea what i should get.

144Hz? Freesync? Ultrawide? I have really no idea.


It will be mainly used for gaming, i'm planning to get an rx 480 so i have been looking around for a freesync monitor.

I'm not planning to get a huge monitor, 24" is plenty for me or the ultrawide equivalent (i think that's 27" ? No idea).

Resolution doesn't have to be anything crazy, 1080p or 2560x1080 is perfectly fine.


I have no experience with 144Hz or freesync, never got the chance. But if it really is as amazing as they say i won't mind turning down details to get a higher framerates.


For now i'm quite interested in an AOC g2460PF. I hope i can keep the price below 300 euros (i live in belgium).

Don't really care about USB hubs, i got enough of them.

A monitor stand with things like tilt and height adjust would be a nice bonus but if it doesn't have it that's fine.


Any suggestions?

If you want my attention, quote meh! D: or just stick an @samcool55 in your post :3

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For gaming, you wouldn't benefit too much with an ultrawide. I would focus on the 144hz and FreeSync aspect of monitors

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