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Problems with game servers!

Go to solution Solved by LogicalDrm,

From what I remember from configing cod servers there must be an issue with permissions or download limit on that free service. I'm sorry I can't give real solution here since I did really small things like installing new maps.

So i have noticed many people from surrounding area of Croatia, Serbia, Slovenia, Bosnia and others play game Call of duty 4, or should i say, one mod called Kill the King. I play the mod myself and it is DAMN AWESOME, IF YOU HAVE COD4 TRY IT. So i create my home servers, i really dont like to pay for them, because you wont know how people make them for you, what goes into process of creating it and is it working properly, and OFC there is a big chance of people that are actually scamming those type of services, so, as i said, i create my own.


So you can run servers directly from the call of duty 4 game which wont let you insert custom mods, and to make one WITH MODS, you must copy the whole fucking cod4 folder without mods and usermaps ones, you must just make folders of them because you really dont need to copy 30 gigabytes of map that you collected from years, same goes for mods. Now i downloaded ktk mod online and inserted it into mods folder, modded the cfg's and stuff like that. Now i needed to launch the server, for that you need to create a shortcut of iw3mp.exe and insert the path and variables into properties of the shortcut itself, here is what i pasted in shourtcut target:


"C:\Users\racunalo\Desktop\Games\cod4 server\iw3mp.exe" +set fs_game "mods\BalkanKtkMod" +set dedicated 2 +exec general.cfg +map_rotate


Text between " 's is the path of the server folder, +set is a command that force the game to complete the command, the fs_game mods just shows where my mod is located, +set dedicated 2 just say, HEY, dont launch as a game, launch as a dedicated server, exec command is a command to execute the cfg which in our case is GENERAL.CFG and it is located in main folder in folder of the server, otherwise it wont be executed. Map rotate is default command for default rotation of maps, lots of rotations there, now my server hated completing those commands on launching server, well just executing the cfg, so i had to manually exec the damn thing for it to work.


Okay so here is the part where i really hate it. So you need to download those custom mods? Yes you do, so this is what happens to the people that want to join your server: Cod4's default download place is cod4 master server, and it obviously doesn't have the mod player needs, so master server will redirect you to some places with slow download speeds. A redirect will slow this, redirect is a term also know as FastFile download. Server owner needs to create a ftp server from which cod4 will directly download the mod which causes speed improvments up to 30 times, from 10 kilobytes you can jump to 400 and 1000 kilobytes per second! That is what player want because he doesnt want to download a 65 megabyte mod at 10 kbps, right?

So on Braxi forums (braxi is a girl that created this mod, yes, A GIRL) many people suggested serversfree.com ftp hosting or something like that, i dont have money so i signed up and created a place from which cod4 should download the damn mod.

So in main_php or something like that i created a folder "cod4" and inside those i create two folders called "mods" and "usermaps" in mods i played the 2 mod files that user needs to download, i assigned the cfg to download from the place :




so server already knows about mods located in mods folder and maps in usermaps one so i didnt list the full directory, and i tried, still didnt work.


Here is the full thing from general.cfg


// Client Downloadsettings (0=off/1=on)
set sv_allowdownload "1"
seta sv_wwwDownload "1"
set sv_wwwbaseurl "http://cod4redirectserverktk.bugs3.com/cod4"
seta sv_wwwDlDisconnected "0"


so i setted the allowdownload and wwwdownload option to on and i left the last one off cause with it the thing wont download.

So my players join the game and they get redirected from master server to this ftp and try to download the damn mod, and it "downloads"  15 and 65 meg files in 1 second like it already was, and it fucks up your game and gives you a error:


fastfile for zone "mod" is corrupt or unreadable


PLEASE HELP, what did i set wrong in here?

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From what I remember from configing cod servers there must be an issue with permissions or download limit on that free service. I'm sorry I can't give real solution here since I did really small things like installing new maps.

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