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Moinitor Cleaning



I was wondering how to clean my tow monitors they have dust and other stuff stuck on them and i need some help


Thanks Plucky

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Use some special Monitor spray (if you have any(you can get from you local tech Store)) and use a micro fiber cloth

CEO of Infinity Creations

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Hmm. I dunno. I think ideally you'd want something that's able to break down the oils that are muddling up the screen, but not something likely to react with the screen itself. People prefer to use alcohol for this due to it's evaporative properties, however, alcohol may damage some screens. Alcohol has the tendency to not only remove oils, but pull moisture from things. It's a fairly strong chemical. The safest thing to use would probably be distilled water. It's got a low particulate count, it will solute any crud, and it has a 0% chance of damaging the screen. My concern with alcohol is that given time, it may result in the screen yellowing, as you are also removing the oils of the screen itself which may result in the film drying out, or oxidizing.


I'm no expert though.


I do have window cleaning experience, and I can tell you that technique matters more than anything you can put in your bucket.

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