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Hey guys, 


My friend streams to twitch from her laptop, and recently her performance seems to be degrading. Would using a capture card increase the performance at all as a cheaper solution to a new laptop/desktop.

Also can this be done just using the one laptop and feeding the captured footage back via usb 3 for example


All help is appreciated, as well as other suggestions


Many Thanks


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Maybe address "why" the performance is degrading.  Most laptops have some pretty aggressive thermal de-rate schemes these days.  So give the fan and heatsink a good cleaning with compressed air at least as a first step. 


You're probably not going to want to have it all on the same machine if you're trying to eke out every last drop of performance. 

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if she had no problems streaming before then i would probably try and fix the issue before upgrading lol


maybe its time to dust the laptop, do some software cleanup and what not

-sigh- feeling like I'm being too negative lately

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