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6 minutes ago, GreezyJeezy said:

so i found kiwiIRC but idk how to set it up, can someone who knows this walk me through it? 

I believe you need a server with an IRC server client running on it. 


KiwiIRC is just a client, any IRC client can connect to any server, KiwiIRC can let you host through them though (almost like a proxy)

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10 minutes ago, Stardar1 said:

Well, with an i7, GTX 1080, Full tower and flashy lights, it can obviously only be for one thing:


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5 minutes ago, Stardar1 said:

I believe you need a server with an IRC server client running on it. 


KiwiIRC is just a client, any IRC client can connect to any server, KiwiIRC can let you host through them though (almost like a proxy)

yeah i was going off me hosting through them. i just dont know how or what i type where for like the  adress,port and SSL


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kiwiIRC is "sort of" a client, its basicly a web frontend that lets you, trough their servers, access IRC daemons in your browser. (it needs to go trough their browsers because the way to do it directly *exists* but is about as implemented as drivers were in windows XP.)


if you want to join an existing network (efnet, espernet, etc.) you simply pick your client of choice (or log in trough their website if they have that) and you're good to go.


if you want to mak your own network, you need to have a server to run the daemon on (duh...), a daemon (unrealIRCD, ultimateIRCD, HIRCD which you should never use, etc.) and go trough its (usually VERY well documented) setup process, after which you are back to picking a client and joining.

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