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Extremely lightweight CMS


I usually build sites using the ExpressioneEngine CMS, but I've run into situations where that would be entirely too much overkill for what I actually need. For example, I'm currently working on a site for a small restaurant; it basically doesn't need to be more than an online poster. They wouldn't be posting articles or anything, the content would be mostly static. The one key thing they would need control over however are the menus (for food, not navigation). I'm searching for a very simple and user friendly system that will allow the client to simply log in and manage their menus, which are displayed dynamically in the template. It's easily small enough that flat file would suffice.


Obviously something like this could just be made from scratch, but I don't have the time to relearn that stuff right now.

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Every CMS I can think of off hand would be overkill for this. I use sNews for my website but it hasn't been updated in forever (and I've hacked mine to pieces so even if there was an update I couldn't make use of it). The only other one I can think of is Kate which is being developed slowly and I know the developer from another forum.


I did a quick search and it looks like there are some restaurant menu PHP scripts out there so maybe grabbing one of those and including it on a static HTML site might be a good route to go. I found this link on Google, it's from 2013 but it might still be relevant: http://phpbuilder.blogspot.com/2013/11/top-6-open-source-php-restaurant-menu.html


Honestly, rolling your own solution might be the best option for this unfortunately.


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