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Hearthstone mage deck help




So until recently I've been happily playing away as a mage (my favourite class) on ranked. Now I'm almost always seeing hunter (idk what its called but I think it's a copy of some dudes legend deck and I'm sure everyone knows it) and sometimes secret paladin (if I get ok rng I can deal with it). I was wondering if someone could help me make my deck basically not get gg'ed by the hunter class mostly as I'm just losing all the time now. I still want to use my deck as for other classes as I enjoy this play style.


P.S. This deck is one I made myself, casual hearthstone player which is why I posted here :P. I was rank 10 now I'm 13 cus I'm only playing hunter with the occasional secret paladin.


My deck (feel free to tell me if you think I made any bad choices and why, good substitutes as well):





P.S. I just crafted Dr Boom so feel free to recommend what card to remove to place in my deck :D. I'm thinking either spectral knight or kel'thuzad (kel can be good but I don't want too many high cost minions so I'm not sure).

P.P.S What kind of deck is mines?

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Your deck is sort of mech mage and sort of tempo, leaning more towards tempo. 

Both decks do decent, you just have to go more into one archetype or the other. 


Tempo tends to be the stronger deck though if I recall. Here are a couple of variations to give you an idea. 





You can play around with the legendaries you include.

Dr.Boom will moreso be a tempo swing card than a win condition for you.


My suggestions:

I'd swap out the mechs and silver hand regent. Swap out one of the polymorphs. 

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Your deck is sort of mech mage and sort of tempo, leaning more towards tempo. 

Both decks do decent, you just have to go more into one archetype or the other. 


Tempo tends to be the stronger deck though if I recall. Here are a couple of variations to give you an idea. 





You can play around with the legendaries you include.

Dr.Boom will moreso be a tempo swing card than a win condition for you.


My suggestions:

I'd swap out the mechs and silver hand regent. Swap out one of the polymorphs. 

The first link doesn't work.

Just looked up the meanings and yeah that was what I was going for deck type wise thanks. It's a kind of jack of trades deck (that's why I like mage so much) but it sounds like that's the problem. When you say mechs, do you mean the whole mech aspect of it? I'll try some changes based on your feedback (making a bit more tempo, not too much though) and if that doesn't work too well I'll try making a tempo deck with the help of the links you provided :D.

Not a huge change but I'll see how it goes and change as appropriate - http://prntscr.com/8ls05k (will see about removing polymorph over time I think, it's a really useful counter although it's pretty expensive ><).

P.s. thanks for the help.

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Here's my ladder mage deck. I don't really follow any guides or know the terms either. My grim patron warrior is only deck close to something common. And my shaman is only that is directly made like Savjz Zeus shaman.


E: Forgot to add. The hunter you are seeing is called facehunter. The trick to deal with it is always clear minions first. Use two Sludge Belchers to slow them down. 1-2 heal bots or single heal bot and maybe another healer. I use both blizzard and flamestrike as I don't see point having two flamestrikes when you have to wait until turn 7 to use even one.



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The first link doesn't work.

Just looked up the meanings and yeah that was what I was going for deck type wise thanks. It's a kind of jack of trades deck (that's why I like mage so much) but it sounds like that's the problem. When you say mechs, do you mean the whole mech aspect of it? I'll try some changes based on your feedback (making a bit more tempo, not too much though) and if that doesn't work too well I'll try making a tempo deck with the help of the links you provided :D.

Not a huge change but I'll see how it goes and change as appropriate - http://prntscr.com/8ls05k (will see about removing polymorph over time I think, it's a really useful counter although it's pretty expensive ><).

P.s. thanks for the help.

From your latest build it seems like you still have a bit of strange make up (comparatively).  I'd say you've moved from mech/tempo to a slight mech/control deck.  The problem is that mixed archetypes don't always perform well higher on the ladder.  I don't know what all of you cards are so it can be a bit hard to make recommendations. The lack of Flamewaker would indicate that you haven't completed Blackrock Mountain (unless you just aren't using him).  If Mage is going to be your primary class, you should really think about crafting Archmage Antonidas, combo him with any one mana spells so you have burst. 


For a more typical mech mage deck I'd remove the 2x Flamecannons, 2x Sorcerer's Apprentice, 2x Arcane Intellect, 1x Effigy, 1x Polymorph, 1x Azure Drake, 1x Sludge Belcher, 1x Spectral Knight, and 1x Flamestrike.  That's 12 cards.  Replace them with 1x Arcane Missile, 2x Cogmaster 1x Frostbolt, 2x Annoy-o-Tron, 2x Spider Tank, 1x Goblin Blastmage, 2x Clockwork Knight 1x Archamge Antonidas.   Other cards that work are Clockwork Gnome, Unstable Portal, Fel Reaver, Piloted Sky Golem, Gazlowe and Kel'Thuzad .  Mix and match according to what you have, don't feel the need to go and craft everything.


For the current Tempo Mage remove all mech based cards, 1x Polymorph, 1x Spectral Knight, and 1x Flamestrike.  That's 14 cards.  If you have completed BRM include 2x Flamewaker.  2x Mirror Image, 1x Frost Bolt, 2x Mad Scientist, 1x Sorcerer's Apprentice, 2x Unstable Portal, 2 Mirror Entity, 1x Azure Drake, 1x Archmage Antonidas.  Other things to consider; Remove another Polymorph, Effigy, a Flamecannon, and/or Sludge Belcher and then replace them with 2x Arcane Missile, 2x Water Elemental.  


Of course you're free to experiment, the meta changes every day so decks shuffle around all the time in the ranking. 

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