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Migrating data to a new computer


My kid has an HP with Windows 8.  I recently learned that since it's a pre-built, the Windows license is permanently bound to the motherboard so moving the hard drive and reactivating Windows isn't an option.  (Thanks, Microsoft, for being lame.)


So my question comes from my familiarity with OS X and knowing that it's entirely possibly (and recommended):   After installing Windows 8 on the one I've built, can I copy/pasta the Users folder from the HP to the new one without issue? 


I understand that software would also need to be reinstalled. Would the games/software/app data be found and usable in the Users folder after copying it? 


Or even better, does Windows include a migration assistant to make it all automated like OS X does? 

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the users folder has the appdata folder, which means it can QUICKLY fudge up other things. I'd recommend just grabbing the files you need individually.

Please spend as much time writing your question, as you want me to spend responding to it.  Take some time, and explain your issue, please!


If you need to learn how to install Windows, check here:  http://linustechtips.com/main/topic/324871-guide-how-to-install-windows-the-right-way/

Event Viewer 101: https://youtu.be/GiF9N3fJbnE


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(Thanks, Microsoft, for being lame.)

You did pay up to 50$ your license of Windows though (usually it is 30-40$, and near free for really budget systems). So don't complain.

can I copy/pasta the Users folder from the HP to the new one without issue?

yes and no. They are some files which contains the account registry, this is where it stores the account settings, like background, layout option, which program to open with which file if the user decided to override this. This can't be replaced. The same as similar other files. All to say that when you start overriding the files, Windows will prompt you that it can't replace some files. just hit the skip button.

The User folder contains folders for each account and a 'public' folder. Public folder purpose is to share files like documents, images, etc, between accounts. It is usually not used, and many don't know about it. So it is probably empty. You can have a quick peek, if you want, but most likely no need to copy it over. As for the account, You have Download, Documents, Videos, etc.. but you also have a hidden folder (to show it: Folder Options panel > 'View' tab > 'show hidden file and folder...'). This hidden folder is called 'AppData'

In side AppData you have 3 sub folders: Local, LocalLow, and Roaming.

These folders contains many program configurations, cache, and temp files. Not all program stores their configuration inside. Some uses the registry.

Roaming folder is the folder that, if the system is joined to a domain, it will be synced with the server. Program settings and configurations are inside. Local, are files that remains local. This is where program put their cache if any, temp files, etc. This si also the location of the accounting Temp directory, which you can clear to save space. The program can function properly without them. So you can skip this folder. LocalLow, you can skip as well, not going to details, but it is a specific Local folder with special purposes for programs. I think the only users of it is Java, and Microsoft for the OS. You can skip it.

If you see any folders under "Users\<Account name>" that doesn't have a custom icon, beside AppData, and usually starts with dot, you can ignore them. This is from software where the devs where too lazy to read how to make a software for Windows properly and dump their stuff anywhere.


I understand that software would also need to be reinstalled. Would the games/software/app data be found and usable in the Users folder after copying it?


Correct all software needs to be re-installed. Well actually that isn't true per se, you can make most programs and even game run without doing anything, but installed will get you file associations, entry to the list of program that can be uninstalled, and all that. Gives a nicer setup and ensure that everything works at 100%

Saved games is a mess. Despite Microsoft made a lovely folder since Vista called "Saved Games". About not a single game beside Windows built-in games, uses it. They dump the saved games anywhere the lazy developer sees fit. Some dump everything even the game cache and temp files on the Document folders, without even a sub folder. Laziness and carelessness to the max. They don't care as no one complains about it, and too late you already bought the game, and there is no return. Anyway, different topic.

So saved games can be anywhere. Some will even put it is AppData\Local, so even though I said skip it, look for a folder of games, or <publisher\studio name>\<game name> in there. They are sometimes under Roaming, or Documents.

Or even better, does Windows include a migration assistant to make it all automated like OS X does?

Yes, but I never used it. Look for Windows Easy Transfer.
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