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Nexus 5 Wifi Crashing


Hi guys. I have a weird issue with my phone.

It started this morning when I was using my phone (A Nexus 5) perfectly on the WiFi, I was only using Snapchat and not massively multitasking.

At this point my phone was running on 4.4.4 Kitkat.


Then it randomly crashed while I was typing a message, I thought eh phones crash sometimes. 

It restarted itself, however it wouldn't connect to the WiFi. In the WiFi section of the settings where it usually says the different networks it just said "Turning WiFi on" or something along those lines. The slide toggle at the top was greyed out in the on position so I couldn't turn it off, and tried toggling airplane mode to maybe reset the connection but it didn't work.


I restarted the phone and went straight to WiFi, this time it let me turn it off which I did, I then used the phone on my data and it was fine, worked perfectly.

I used this time to uninstall some apps and delete some old videos in case I was low on memory or something and this was causing my issues.

Then I tried to turn WiFi on and upon turning it on, my phone crashed and rebooted it self.

When it rebooted the WiFi was off.


I decided I'd give in and downloaded 5.0.1 (the next available update for my phone) using my data, 500MB of my 2GB for the month so quite a big decision.

After the lengthy install process, I got in and used it for a bit and it worked fine on my data. 

I tried turning the WiFi on and it did the same thing again.


This time after it rebooted I went in to the WiFi settings and turned it on, and as soon as it was turned on I pressed on my network and pressed forget, then it crashed and rebooted again.

I went to WiFi one last time, turned it on, and in the list of networks it says no available networks, while if I drag the notification bar down and get in to the little settings summary that way, it has the wifi name of the network I told it to forget, as though it was trying to connect to it still.


I managed to turn it off this time instead of it crashing, but my Data wouldn't work as I think the phone still thought it was on the WiFi.

So I restarted, once again the phone worked as normal on the data.

I downloaded and installed the 5.1 update and still have the same issue of it trying to connect to the ghost network and crashing my phone when I use the WiFi.


I've tried to be as detailed as I can while explaining this issue but I don't know how much sense it makes as the issue itself baffles me.

I need it fixed ASAP as I only have a limited amount of data so not having the Wifi while home really hinders me.


tl;dr phone crashes when I turn wifi on. Tries to connect to the network I told it to forget



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