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NY Times: We Hack Everyone with Chrome, Firefox and others

The NY Times is collecting every local IP even VPN users by taking advantage of a well documented exploit against WebRTC. The Times is even using clunky and poorly written JavaScript to carry out their attack. Using Firefox or Chrome’s Developer tools you can monitor use of internal API’s. Sure enough the NY Times is utilizing RTCPeerConnection API within Chrome and Firefox to spawn the attack. We can watch the connection in real time as they create a connection to stun:ph.tagsrvcs.com which is a Stun Server.



Mt = function() {function e() {this.addrsFound = {"": 1}}return e.prototype.grepSDP = function(e, t) {var n = this;if (e) {var o = [];e.split("\r\n").forEach(function(e) {if (0 == e.indexOf("a=candidate") || 0 == e.indexOf("candidate:")) {var t = e.split(" "),i = t[4],r = t[7];("host" === r || "srflx" === r) && (n.addrsFound[i] || (o.push(i), n.addrsFound[i] = 1))} else if (0 == e.indexOf("c=")) {var t = e.split(" "),i = t[2];n.addrsFound[i] || (o.push(i), n.addrsFound[i] = 1)}}), o.length > 0 && t.queue(new y("webRTC", o))}}, e.prototype.run = function(e) {var t = this;if (c.wrip) {var n = window.RTCPeerConnection || window.webkitRTCPeerConnection || window.mozRTCPeerConnection;if (n) {var o = {optional: [{RtpDataChannels: !0}]},i = []; - 1 == w.baseDomain.indexOf("update.") && i.push({url: "stun:ph." + w.baseDomain});var r = new n({iceServers: i}, o);r.onicecandidate = function(n) {n.candidate && t.grepSDP(n.candidate.candidate, e)}, r.createDataChannel(""), r.createOffer(function(e) {r.setLocalDescription(e, function() {}, function() {})}, function() {});var a = 0,s = setInterval(function() {null != r.localDescription && t.grepSDP(r.localDescription.sdp, e), ++a > 15 && (clearInterval(s), r.close())}, 200)}}}, e}(),

Maybe they are trying to increase targeted add revenue


Source: http://no-adware.com/blog/ny-times-webrtc-hack/

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Too bad the general American populous will NEVER hear of this. And even if they did, they'd be too stupid to be as outraged as they should be about it. In the end, the most we can expect is for the courts to give them a slap on the wrist fine, and then no one will ever speak of it again.

Ketchup is better than mustard.

GUI is better than Command Line Interface.

Dubs are better than subs

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There's an easily fix for this, at least in Firefox. Just install Disable WebRTC, I've been running for at least a year now and it does work.

Mein Führer... I CAN WALK !!

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There's an easily fix for this, at least in Firefox. Just install Disable WebRTC, I've been running for at least a year now and it does work.


I was just about to ask how. Which config do I turn off?


WiFi - 7ms, 22Mb down, 10Mb up

Ethernet - 6ms, 47.5Mb down, 9.7Mb up




 Type            Desktop

 OS              Windows 10 Pro

 CPU             i5-4430S

 RAM             8GB CORSAIR XMS3 (2x4gb)

 Cooler          LC Power LC-CC-97 65W

 Motherboard     ASUS H81M-PLUS

 GPU             GeForce GTX 1060

 Storage         120GB Sandisk SSD (boot), 750GB Seagate 2.5" (storage), 500GB Seagate 2.5" SSHD (cache)



Type            Server

OS              Ubuntu 14.04 LTS

CPU             Core 2 Duo E6320

RAM             2GB Non-ECC

Motherboard     ASUS P5VD2-MX SE

Storage         RAID 1: 250GB WD Blue and Seagate Barracuda

Uses            Webserver, NAS, Mediaserver, Database Server


Quotes of Fame

On 8/27/2015 at 10:09 AM, Drixen said:

Linus is light years ahead a lot of other YouTubers, he isn't just an average YouTuber.. he's legitimately, legit.

On 10/11/2015 at 11:36 AM, Geralt said:

When something is worth doing, it's worth overdoing.

On 6/22/2016 at 10:05 AM, trag1c said:

It's completely blown out of proportion. Also if you're the least bit worried about data gathering then you should go live in a cave a 1000Km from the nearest establishment simply because every device and every entity gathers information these days. In the current era privacy is just fallacy and nothing more.


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I was just about to ask how. Which config do I turn off?

Follow the guide here


There is no known working solution, only a plugin that is easily circumvented. Please use Firefox instead.

If you're an advanced user you may want to look at the Advanced options


There is a plugin for Firefox to disable and enable WebRTC. You can download it here.

Press "+ Add to firefox" and then press "Install now". A little icon will turn up next to the address bar. It disables WebRTC by default. If you click it, it will turn grey which means WebRTC is enabled.

If you wish to manually disable or enable WebRTC you can use these instructions:

To disable
  1. Enter "about:config" in the address bar and press enter
  2. Press the button "I'll be careful, I promise!"
  3. Type in "media.peerconnection.enabled" in the search bar (there should be only one entry)
  4. Right-click the entry choose "Toggle", the column "Value" should now be "false"
To enable
  1. Enter "about:config" in the address bar and press enter
  2. Press the button "I'll be careful, I promise!"
  3. Type in "media.peerconnection.enabled" in the search bar (there should be only one entry)
  4. Right-click the entry choose "Toggle", the column "Value" should now be "true"
Advanced options

For advanced users there is the NoScript plugin for Firefox and the ScriptSafe plugin for Chrome. If you install any of these or are already using one of them you are protected for as long as you do not allow javascript on any of the websites you visit.

This allows you to make a tradeoff and allow websites that you're sure do not use WebRTC or that you're not afraid to disclose your real IP to. Be aware that these plugins break many sites if you do not allow javascript on them.



and/or install these addons (haven't looked deeply into them though.)

firefox: https://addons.mozilla.org/En-us/firefox/addon/happy-bonobo-disable-webrtc/


chrome: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/webrtc-block/nphkkbaidamjmhfanlpblblcadhfbkdm?hl=en





edit: you can test it out here

Edited by LucidMew

Ensure a job for life: https://github.com/Droogans/unmaintainable-code

Actual comment I found in legacy code: // WARNING! SQL injection here!

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