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Gaming Laptop with gtx 980m and IPS 4k screen.


Nope it really can't. Most AAA games will run at a sub par 30fps maxed out at 4k on a single 980.


Turn down AA and you could see an increase, however it will not be a 'playable' experience for someone who has paid so much money and expects the best experience. Turning down detail settings will just make the game look much more noticeably worse.


CUDA cores are more useful for tasks such as rendering rather than gaming.

Despite the fact that 4K screens are not available for 17" and 18" panels which is where you'd find 980M SLI, I wish to point out that 980M SLI is further ahead than anything you could get on a single 980. For reference:

Here's Kingpin's single 980 run on firestrike http://www.3dmark.com/fs/4105727

Here's Johnksss' 980M SLI run on firestrike http://www.3dmark.com/fs/3512521

Watch the GPU score (kingpin has a higher overall score due to the 5960X). Both are overclocked, but the 980 is FAR higher OC'd than the 980Ms are.


So... yeah. 980M SLI is pretty bloody strong. That being said, I still don't think recent AAA games and 4K mix, but if 970 SLI or R9 290 Crossfire can do it, then 980M SLI can very well do it.

I have finally moved to a desktop. Also my guides are outdated as hell.



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