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How automation will change the world.


This is change that no other civilization has seen at this level.
This is something I bring up to the older generations.
This is something that needs to be considered when you think of the general mandate "work, earn a living or be a waste to society." -- what happen's when people can't find work on a massive scale/don't need to work? 
Do we move to some sort of new technology-driven socialism? Or does, like someone already suggested, civilization turn into chaos and the 1% get even more powerful (those who own the bot run corporation) ((remember corporations, in the US, have more rights than humans at this point)) 

What is to make of it? I don't know. An infinite amount of possibilities face us and no one can predict the future with certainty.
What can you make of it? Improve your skills that you research to be useful, if it's a job that can be automated get really good at it or find out other ways to make money (day trading, investing, under the table jobs), try to automate your house and make it energy positive (produces energy, doesn't consume it) and maybe figure out what it is you'd like to do to improve society (if the day ever comes when you don't need to work to maintain your living standards) -- OR put on the newest season of your favorite show and just live on like you always have. 

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