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Pc crashing while im not in game

hello, ive had some wweird crashes lately

whocrashed says its gpu driver related

                 -ive tried to unninstall the video driver and install a new one

                 -updated driver 

                 - re seated gpu

                 - re seat ram 

                 - re seat cpu justt in case

it happens all the time after just a few min of my pc being turned on, BUTT if i can get into a game my pc can run for however long i have the game runninng

sometimes the crash seams to take its time and screw with the audio and performance of my pc if that happens i can run furmark and then it gets back to normal other times it just freezes my pc and then restarts and sometimes itt just black screen or blue screen and restarts. 


temps looks fine ive attatched a few pics of hw monitor and also task manager

i have the cpu and gpu on custom watercooling 


ive also tried this to try and fix it 

- re install wiondows

- new PSU (i had a 750w and upgraded to 1000w)  


-windows diagnostic tool 

-displaydriver uninstaller

-AVG free trail tuneup and driver update 


ill update the list with what ive tried when i remember what ive done 


could it be that my 3090 is just dying?


Screenshot 2024-05-27 065046.png

Screenshot 2024-05-27 065103.png

Screenshot 2024-05-27 065127.png

Screenshot 2024-05-27 065141.png

Screenshot 2024-05-27 065218.png


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