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Pc won’t boot or post

CPU: Ryzen 9 5900x 

Mobo: Aorus x570 elite Wi-Fi

GPU; 3070

PSU: Corsair 1000w

RAM: Corsair vengeance DDR4 3600mhz

recently noticed some issues with my pc. I’ll start with saying this is a system I built 2+ years ago. It ran a lot of high end games with no struggle and still does (when it works) No overheating from it ever really, my AIO It’s run fine ever since and only have had problems in the last 6 months. At first it would sometimes crash randomly with random errors, but when pressing the power button nothing would happen. You’d have to cycle the PSU power switch for it to work again. As time went on it started crashing with SPECIFICALLY dpc watchdog errors, which would make it that even sometimes after pressing the psu power switch, the pc still wouldn’t post. You could still give it a minute and it would eventually post and boot, but even that stopped recently. Now it does the same not-posting thing constantly, and every now and then after a few hours of it being off it would boot, but immediately crash and freeze before even reaching login. I’ve tried resetting CMOS, trying the system with everything unplugged, trying the system with less ram. Any help is very much appreciated and if someone somehow fixes or diagnoses them I’ll be in their debt.

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Have you tried updating the bios or motherboard and even the gpu? update ssd firmware and probably drivers? uninstalling, old drivers or checked if there's an app installed that's causing a compatibility issue. Or have  you tried replacing the CMOS battery with a fresh new one?

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I have replaced the cmos battery, and updated the bios. Only issue is I can’t update any drivers because the PC is unbootable


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When you say not booting, is it just black screen or you can still go to the bios? Have you tried using another ssd/hhd as your boot drive(install OS on another storage). You also said you tried unplugging everything. But have you tried disassembling from the case, and just place the motherboard on top of a box and try booting it from with the basic and least components? Or check the cables, usb, motherboard or even the front panel connectors, if there's anything that might cause a short? Lastly, does your motherboard have the boot/cpu/gpu/ram led error? It's such a pain that some mid range board don't have it anymore.

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You reset cmos, so you're running at stock settings ? if not, do it.

How is the health of your ssd ?

Did you check your ram ? (TestMem5 or Memtest86 (it doesn't need Windows to run))

I'm willing to swim against the current.

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Have you removed all the RAM, and reseated only ONE stick in slot B1?  If that works and you have 2 sticks, use B1 and B2 as they're optimized for high speed memory.  If you have 4 sticks, don't use 4 sticks, lol.  AM5 is horrid with 4 stick setups, and I had to reduce my own setup to 2 DIMMS myself.

Also make sure to fully reset CMOS, and whatever you do, do not enable an XMP profile, as with many MoBos it'll cause the mobo wo memory train for an extended period every time it boots.  XMP can also cause added stability issues on AM5, as opposed to manually setting timings in your BIOS if you decide you need to go that route.

Aside from that, try without your existing HDD / SSD / M.2 drives installed, and see if you can check them and make sure they're good.  If you're able to sanity check all your individual parts, including even your PSU, it may be a MoBo issue.  Check VERY closely (magnifying glass) for scratches, gouges, burst / bulging capacitors, and your mosfets if you can get an eye on them as well (they may be hidden under a heatsink though)

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19 hours ago, kitnoman said:

When you say not booting, is it just black screen or you can still go to the bios? Have you tried using another ssd/hhd as your boot drive(install OS on another storage). You also said you tried unplugging everything. But have you tried disassembling from the case, and just place the motherboard on top of a box and try booting it from with the basic and least components? Or check the cables, usb, motherboard or even the front panel connectors, if there's anything that might cause a short? Lastly, does your motherboard have the boot/cpu/gpu/ram led error? It's such a pain that some mid range board don't have it anymore.

Replying to this, when I say not booting I mean it’ll freeze as it’s loading windows. Sometimes I can get into bios and sometimes it’ll black screen. The times it won’t even post, when I press the power button ONLY the ram leds come on and nothing actually comes on. I have tried booting it outside of the case, didn’t work. I’ve checked cables, ports and no issues. Motherboard looks fine with no bulging capacitors or anything. I don’t believe the X570 elite Wi-Fi has any error leds, I did order a debug speaker but I don’t know where to hook it on the mobo

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