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(Linus attention needed)YouTuber DDE need internet upgrade for their HQ

Go to solution Solved by jubjub,

They have fibre coming into the building so that's not a problem. It's the internal network stuff they need done including a bunch of APs to get wifi coverage.

LTT actually probably could help them with that though and their current workflows for video are horrid. Now that they have a long term place it'd actually be helpful to them to have an actual archive/editing server and an ingest station with a few desktops for CAD, Video Editing and general usage alongside all the networking to make that work. They're a decent size channel too so sponsorship shouldn't be too hard to get.

But whining like on this thread vaguely asking for LTT to help them isn't the go. I support the idea and see the value in it but your attitude is only going to put people off OP.


12 hours ago, LogicalDrm said:

For one, LMG would need sponsor. For two, unless their ISP can deliver, there's nothing LMG could do. Linus is able to get insane speeds at office and home because they are wired with fibre. So general infrastructure is able to support whatever they do inside. Even the wireless setups are for extended internal network.


So if these guys don't have infrastructure outside their facility, they have two options. Starlink or 5G. And for the inside, easier, faster and maybe even cheaper to get professional do it.

They have dedicated fibre to the building that was paid for by Hoonigan at significant cost previously. What they don't have is switches, a router or APs. They've borrowed/been given the old ones from Hoonigan but that had some issues. It's exactly the type of thing LMG actually can help with. If you watched the actual video before commenting you'd have known that...

I don't understand posts like this, Linus is not a charity providing free tech upgrades / support randomly to other users. 


Why would Linus, essentially a reporter for the tech world, have any need to spend his money on improving the competition.

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