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App to keep track of shopping and food in house & Fridge/Freezer

Hoping for some advice. Looking for a android app that will help keep track of a shared shopping list and food levels in the cupboards and Fridge/Freezer. 


Linus talked on the Wan show last year about an app he uses but I couldn't find it, but I'm in Ireland so it may not be available here due to data privacy regulations or something like that (I've stumbled across this before). 


I am currently using Todoist but it's just a list and really not ideal, grand for a shared shopping list but they keep making changes and it's getting harder and harder to just use it they way we used to. 


I need to be able to have a shared shopping list with my wife, something quick and easy to use, something we can just untick items that need to be bought again each week/month. 

Ideally keep track of what food is in the freezer and fridge and if it can keep track of expiry dates even better. Same with the cupboards. 

Notification of expiring or expired food would be good too but not sure I want to be bombarded with notifications so ideally a way to control the number would be great also. 

I don't mind paying for the app, in fact if it's good I'd like to pay. 

Never trust a man, who, when left alone with a tea cosey... Doesn't try it on. Billy Connolly
Marriage is a wonderful invention: then again, so is a bicycle repair kit. Billy Connolly
Before you judge a man, walk a mile in his shoes. After that, who cares? He's a mile away and you've got his shoes. Billy Connolly
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I cannot recommend exactly what you're asking for, but meal delivery services like Hello Fresh also partly solve this issue. I only have to keep track of basic ingredients like salt, pepper and oil. Since I get a fresh delivery every week and there are no leftover ingredients, I also don't have to worry about what expires next.

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Honestly the major failing for every one of these systems is that you have to use them. I've long wanted some magic bit of tech that would Just Know what I had and when I got it and what was running low, but that's a pipedream. Ultimately you could do the entire thing on gSheets if you were willing to put in the effort.

All that being said, Grocy is interesting and I'll be digging into that when I get a spare few hours

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Sheets or Excel really. You can have one sheet populate based on what's happening on the other. With VLOOKUP for example.


Added with Keep for example as list where it hides things when they are completed.

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