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LTX 2023: Crazy, chaotic, fun.


This is my first time attending LTX and it's everything I expected it to be and more. 


I was really disappointed I wasn't able to get a orca tickets so I settled for the byoc2 day pass. But after seeing how quickly that also sold out I guess I'm still considered fortunate.


I had a plan right from the beginning to make the most of the show, I was thinking I'd probably spend most of Saturday doing lan stuff and running around trying to attend all the booth on Sunday, some how I thought the second day would definitely be less busy despite not ever attending LTX not even spoken to anyone who has. Solid plan I guess, what could go wrong?


So after 10 hours of driving from Calgary, I got to the convention center a bit after 7 am. I was planning to arrive round 8 but I guess I was driving a bit fast. The line had just started to form and I slotted in trying to make awkward conversations with people I've just met. Convention center door opens, walks in, checks bags nothing special. I've seen people complaining about the constantly checking bags going in and out of the building, personally I didn't think it was a problem, it's actually a fairly quick process apart from the first time carrying a PC, but that's why we have a 2 hour head start. Yeah, checking bags every time I'm going in or leaving the convention center is annoying, but I chose to carry a bag all the time, I didn't have to do that, a water bottle in hand would actually be all I need to get by. Considering the size of the event, I think it's pretty normal. Going to a concert or a sports game of similar sizes wouldn't have been any faster. 

yeah, picking up the whale lan merch pack and the badges not being in the same place is not ideal. But its not the end of world. 


After getting in I went straight to the merch store to ask about the merch packs, yeah I noticed that there were some confusion about when and where it was going to be handed out. Though I didn't end up getting the merch ASAP, but Nick Light was extremely friendly and helpful, and I took the chance to buy some stuff I was planning to get, was overall pretty happy. I've been watching the channel since the NCIX days and the first time seeing people from all those videos running around in person was pretty surreal. Also happens to be my first time meeting any celebrity in person aside from drinking with tech Jesus Steve in a karaoke, but that was when he was still quite thin and way way before he made YouTube videos.


I ran straight to the custom screw drivers after the merch store, one of them is going to be a present for my best friend so it was the most important thing and top of my list this trip.


After that's been taken care of, I headed back to the LAN area to settle down. It was only now that I've realized that there are special live show all throughout the day, and i did want to attend a lot of them. So I didn't have nearly as much time as I thought I would. The lines got long pretty quick, and between waiting in line, doing the activities and trying to see the shows at the main stage. I barely had any time for LAN, basically just set it up and came back when I wanted to cool down for have a seat. 


After the WAN show ended, the crane machine became most of the night, it takes about 25 minutes on average to get a banana out, and I really wanted a golden one. The crowd was fking amazing, it was like a sporting event, people get hyped about every almost had it moments. 

The crowd was go great I stuck around most of the night to watch and cheer even after I got the golden banana I wanted. Seeing Colton and

Tarren drop by was also pretty cool.


By mid night I've decided to try to get Luke and Linus to sign the golden banana, so me and my newly met friend that also wasted way too much effort getting a golden banana went looking for Linus and Luke. We got Luke's signature but unfortunately didn't get a opportunity to get Linus's. During the night I dropped back to see whats going on in the LAN area every now and then, but the stupid crane game was always more hyped. Taking pictures of the cool stuff still on display and the decoration of some of those booth when nobody is around is also amazing.


Since this is my second night staying up, things got harder and harder. At this point I'm too sleep deprived to function normally but also have had too much energy drinks to fall asleep. I think I've gotten one hour sleep by my computer but I'm honestly not sure, Brain was completely fogged. 

Come Sunday morning and I still have a lot of things I wanted to do. I wanted to see the Evangelion PC in the ASUS booth get built, get Linus to sign the golden banana, make to the main stage on time for the live shows, take a few more go at some of the activities, and i have to meet a friend for lunch. But I've severally over estimated my ability to stay awake this long, it's been quite a while since I was 18. 


After getting lunch with my friend she said It was unsafe for me to even try to drive back to the convention center in this state, so she took me to her place. Next thing I knew was woke up on her couch and it was close to 4 pm. looks like she might be right on that call. I tried to hurrie back to the convention center to get a fews things done, mainly to have Linus sigh the golden banana but sadly never got the opportunity. 

Sure there are a few things at LTX could be improved, even thought the whole thing didn't got as how I planned it, I still had a soo much fun, maybe a bit too much. But that was nobody's fault but my own. 



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