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RTX 2060 OC 6GB gray screens while gaming and returns to its desktop afterwards?

Hey guys,

One of my friends had been having issues with his old graphics card. (dont know the model sadly, but it was an AMD videocard). His pc would crash completely into a blackscreen and had to be forcefully shut off. The cause of the black screen was just simple overheating. Now we swapped over to an Gigabyte RTX 2060 OC 6G. Clean driver install etc etc. Worked fine for a week! And then suddenly, it gray screened. Which i've personally never really seen before. It lags out for a minute and then it returns to the desktop. We tried reseating the gpu properly and making sure its supported, didnt work either. After trying a bunch of weird things I could think of, we tried a clean install of Windows, with a clean install of all the drivers. Seemed fine for a minute, then it happened again. Thats where I stopped and why I came here! 馃槃

I hope someone has a clue as to what to try, as it seems like a software issue more than a hardware issue. I'll post the specs below.

AMD Ryzen 5 2600

Gigabyte RTX 2060 OC 6G

2x8GB Ram, dont know the exact model but I dont suspect the ram at all.

MSI B450 (Dont know the exact 1, but it only has 1 PCIe slot.)

Cooler Master 600W PSU (Also dont know the exact model)

Thanks in advance.

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