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HDD Clicking and connection issues


So, a year ago i built my PC, everything going fine, except i live in the middle east so the stock cooler got to 88. no problem,got an aio and everything is working quite well. that was, until august of this year.so, my hdd started making strange clicking noises. again , no problem , just a dead hdd so i sent it to WD for a replacement, replacement comes in 2 weeks later , plug it in , fingers crossed , and what do i hear? the SAME clicking noise and the HDD being rapidly going in and out of device manager,i couldnt even format it to ntfs,because it would just keep on dismounting and remounting. so 3rd replacement , again , same issue. i dont know whats the issue at this point, as i have tried everything i could. any ideas? ill upload the sound file to the post as im not sure if the hdd is just dead or some problem with psu voltage? but i did not buy some off brand chinese psu. should i just give up and buy a sata ssd? my nvme slot is full so i cant buy another nvme. but what if the problem is on the sata housing or port? i tried every port to make sure it wasnt a port issue,i changed between 3 hdd housings but the problem remained the same.


psu model:Cooler master mwe650 bronze

motherboard:asus prime b450mkii

cpu:ryzen 5 3600


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