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I'm looking for 2 15" monitors, any recommendations?

Sir Dude

I'm looking for 2 15" or small form factor monitors. I don't have a lot of space on my desk, so I can't really go any bigger than that. These will all be secondary, so quality isn't my highest concern, at least with 1 of them.


I stream on Twitch and I use a laptop for video encoding, however this laptop is past it's prime and the hinge is falling apart. I intend to replace it with a small form factor PC (for ease of maintenance) so I want a color accurate display to go with it. I'm not a professional by any means so it doesn't have to be SUPER accurate, just something that isn't as faded as my current laptop screen and so I can make sure the colors of my streams actually look good. I also stream from multiple locations around my room/house so not only do I not have room for a large monitor, I also need to lug it around. I did find this on Amazon but I just want a second opinion on it, maybe somebody has a better more affordable option: https://www.amazon.com/Portable-Monitor-15-6-1920x1080-Brightness-Computer/dp/B08LYVCNGH/ref=sr_1_3?crid=2NW2ZEHY3RU1J&keywords=15"%2Bcolor%2Baccurate%2Bmonitor&qid=1654641907&refinements=p_n_size_browse-bin%3A2633094011&rnid=2633086011&s=pc&sprefix=15%2Bcolor%2Baccurate%2Bmonitor%2Caps%2C114&sr=1-3&th=1


The second monitor is just for my main rig. I don't need that to be anything fancy at all, just another display. Most of the results I see on Amazon just look WAY too chunky for a small monitor, and also seem like they're really expensive for that size. I'm even willing to buy a barebones laptop panel or even gut my laptop for it's panel, I'm just hoping there's something cheap that looks nice so I don't risk breaking things.

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