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WD mybook world edition enclosure failure data recovery

How can I recover the years of photos I have stored on a WD mybook world edition that isn't recognized by the network anymore.  It was set up as RAID 0 (big mistake) and both of the internal drives are readable when hooked up via USB to my laptop but the data seems to be stored in a partition with an XFS file system .  Is there a free way to recover the photos or do I have to spend $150 for software to stitch the raid 0 back together.  A local computer tech lab said it would be $250 just to LOOK at the drives then a charge to recover if they can do it.


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If the data is import, Id just take it to a pro.


But its probably just mdadm for raid and xfs, so any linux system can read the files and copy them where you want.



4 minutes ago, dmac257 said:

It was set up as RAID 0 (big mistake)

Do both drives work? If they do raid 0 isn't your issue, lack of backups are the issue

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