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Need Help With Choosing Memory

I've got an i7 7700k, rx480 and corsair lpx 2x8 2133 DDR4 on a  strix Z270H (max of 3866 for memory). I normally have many things going on, so my memory usage is about 50-60 just day to day. Add gaming in for breaks or whatever without closing my work, gets my memory gets throttled. I cant close most so:


Do I buy an identical kit to just add more? Or do I take this opportunity to upgrade? If so, what do i do for relatively cheap?

The options I'm considering: 

  • Buy a cheap but fast 3600 2x8 kit (but would that be enough of a speed boost to allow me to not get throttled? I realistically only need another 5Gb day to day, but I also render occasionally. Could I pair my old stuff in the secondary slots with this?)
  • Buy Ripjaws V 2x16 @ 3600 to get big rig upgrade?

I am trying to save what money I can. Memory is the one thing I never managed to mess with much. Wicked 5.2GHz CPU clock or breaking the asus software from my GPU overclock, sure! Memory? wtf is that?

Just need opinions on what you'd do to get a boost. I did buy the 2x8 @2133 expecting to upgrade later, I believe this was during a big price spike but besides being short a few gigs, I dont feel a huge need to upgrade but I dont have experience with good memory. Also, how often do newegg sales come like this? 


Some pics of the best value considerations, hopefully in order +1.




GSKILL 3600 2x16.JPG

GSKILL 3200 2x16.JPG

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