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Questions for electricians/electromechanics in an industrial setting

(It doesn't need to be you specifically. If you know someone else, like a family member, who work in this type of field, you could ask them these questions over facebook or something and just copy//paste their answers here. I'm sure it would be interesting to you as well to know a bit more about this stuff)



Hi there, as part of a class at college(Mechanical assembly), I need to ask a few questions to someone who currently work in an industrial setting and whose job is to work on/with panel like these;


 (It doesn't absolutely need to be the jobs I mentioned, as long as your workplace has a similar panel somewhere and it is your job to work on it... A plain Circuit Breaker panel is... not enough, sorry)


If there’s any such person here, would it be possible to answer a few questions and ideally post a picture of such panel at your work place with or without yourself/coworker on it?

You can send it over DM if you'd prefer it not be public, doesn't need to show the face, back of head is fine. It's also not an absolute requirement for there to be someone in the picture.

This little "survey" is not for posting on the internet, it's for the teacher's eyes and to "share with the class" in a few weeks.

Honestly I’ve tried LinkedIn, thinking that would be THE place to find people in that field of work... Turns out nobody reads their messages on there and it’s been a few weeks. I don’t have a FB account with my real name to contact random people with either, so... Yeah... Really hoping at least one or two people here work in that field, otherwise I might need to go to Reddit *shivers*.


Onto the subject

I have a minimum of 5 questions and 1 task I need to ask of you. If you can, the more info the better.

The MUST HAVE answers are as seen below and the "optional" one in the spoiler are similar to the must have, but a bit more specifics.


As such, I would need to ask the following of you :


  1. Your full job title and type of company you work at (related to the field of electromechanics/electricity/etc.)
  2. Summary of your work function and of your workplace (at least a couple lines🥺 You can look at the Optional question if you're lacking in inspiration in what to write here).
  3. (OPTIONAL, Can be obtained on Google if needs be) A picture of your immediate work environment. Like the one I posted above. You can choose to not be present on the pic. If you'd rather it not be public, you can send it over DM.
  4. The competences, the type of education and knowledge needed to occupy that job (basically what was demanded of you on the job resume//at the interview and what you've had to do after landing the job)
  5. A brief history of your education (related to this field of work, the programs you’ve attended at College/University, if you attended any vocational schools or other courses outside of your program but related to it, etc.)
  6. The diploma you’ve received at the end of your education (College, university, vocational studies, etc...)

 Optional : 

  • First name (not necessary, I can just make one up for you, but I may as well put it here)
  • The type of company you work/worked for in that domain (for example « company that’s manufacturing light bulbs », no need for the actual name, though you can give it if you want)
  • Do you work on site? Or are you on call? Do you have your own office, shared space or little corner of a warehouse there?
  • Does this office/shared space has an “official name” in the company? (like « department of …. »)
  • What’s your official job title?
  • How often do things « break down » and you need to fix them? What do you do when there's nothing breaking down? (if you work at a single place and not on-call to multiple enterprises)
  • Do you need to create reports(detailed or otherwise) on your work? How about making plans for upgrades and the likes?
  • Do you work alone or with other people in your field?
  • What does your job consist of doing exactly? Is it purely electrical? Mechanical? Automation? Plain repairs on X & Y ?
  • How is the noise level while working?
  • Would you consider your work environment to be “clean”, “greasy”, “dusty”, etc.? Does it vary day by day?
  • What happens when an issue arise? Is time of the essence to get the production rolling ASAP? Or can you basically take your time?
  • Are issues usually the same type or is it never the same?
  • Do you sometimes need to manufacture your own parts? Or create a part order list to get/buy new ones?
  • How long have you worked there and when did you obtain your diploma?
  • What kind of diploma and qualifications? Where did you obtain them? (college/university, the program's name there?)
  • Did you land this job right away after finishing your education or did you do a few intermediary jobs before? If you did a few of those jobs in between, were they related to that field and what were they?
  • Did anything change with that company (related to how you did your work in particular) after you’ve started working there?
  • Do you need to work closely with people of other professions as part of your work? If so, what’s their jobs and what do they do to assist you?
  • Do you happen to sometimes give or assist to the training of new employees for your position?
  • Do you sometimes need to take remedial courses to stay “up to date” in your field?




To anyone who can answer, I thank you.

I would be eternally grateful to anyone who takes the time to answer. The more answer the better.

(And mods... No, this is not an AMA.)

CPU: AMD Ryzen 3700x / GPU: Asus Radeon RX 6750XT OC 12GB / RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 2x8GB DDR4-3200
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*nothing but crickets after nearly 24 hours*


No one? 🥺

Welp, I knew it was a tall order, but I was really hoping there would be at least one person here who currently works or worked in that sort of stuff.

Stupid teacher and their ridiculous assignments. As if we all personally know someone who work in that field just because we're studying in it. 🤦‍♂️


I'l try bumping this up at least once a day for a few days before giving up I suppose.


It doesn't need to be you! It can be someone that you know who does work in that field and just ask them these questions or direct them to this thread!

CPU: AMD Ryzen 3700x / GPU: Asus Radeon RX 6750XT OC 12GB / RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 2x8GB DDR4-3200
MOBO: MSI B450m Gaming Plus / NVME: Corsair MP510 240GB / Case: TT Core v21 / PSU: Seasonic 750W / OS: Win 10 Pro

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11 hours ago, TetraSky said:

No one? 🥺

Welp, I knew it was a tall order, but I was really hoping there would be at least one person here who currently works or worked in that sort of stuff.

Stupid teacher and their ridiculous assignments. As if we all personally know someone who work in that field just because we're studying in it. 🤦‍♂️

To be honest, good luck.


I work in comms/security and we do have similar panels at times with our controllers, power supllies and relays but it's ELV. Also occasionaly BMS, lift or automatic door boards with their sparkies sorting interfacing.


It's a pretty niche thing.


Even if it was exactly my field I'd be hesitant on several fronts, personal privacy info reasons, can be security issues on revealing site or employee details in certain sectors, safety or compliance risks, they need to make 200% sure the board is up to standards and any worker in a photo is working safely, has all PPE and correct gear. Then also just the time and effort to do everything you asked. Required training and licences would vary around the world, as would experiences.


I think it's a pretty crazy ask. Would be nice if they just arranged some mentors and a site visit for you.


I think your best bet may be to try and ask any local companies, try and spin it as promoting the company to future employees in the field and show themselves off.


If you asked in person and transcribed the answers it would probably be quicker, although.


Do you have PPE ? 


If you were allowed as a visitor to just view a panel and take a photo ?


Not sure how well that would go down but if you make it as easy as possible for them and only say need to take a photo and interview for 5 minutes it is a lot easier. Although I'm forgetting about current covid situation elsewhere.


Phone interview maybe ?


Have you considered that you may have to somewhat pay someone ?


As in they do you a favour and as thanks of your newfound friendship you give them a gift of their favourite beverage.


Pretty much how tradies here operate, beer is what gets stuff done.

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Bumping it up one more time...


On 11/1/2020 at 12:29 AM, artuc said:

I think your best bet may be to try and ask any local companies, try and spin it as promoting the company to future employees in the field and show themselves off.


If you asked in person


I've tried a few, due to the current pandemic, I was told they can't allow anyone who doesn't work for them inside. And none that I talked to were inclined to pass over the phone to one of their employees. It would need to be in their time off... Which I can't get because no social media. 🤦‍♂️


On 11/1/2020 at 12:29 AM, artuc said:

Have you considered that you may have to somewhat pay someone ?


I have considered that. But if I just offer up, say, an amazon gift card as a "bounty", I may end up getting people who have nothing to do with the field and just found random answers on Google to get the card. Our teacher tries to spin it as "helping the next generation", but really, nobody wants to do anything for nothing these days.

CPU: AMD Ryzen 3700x / GPU: Asus Radeon RX 6750XT OC 12GB / RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 2x8GB DDR4-3200
MOBO: MSI B450m Gaming Plus / NVME: Corsair MP510 240GB / Case: TT Core v21 / PSU: Seasonic 750W / OS: Win 10 Pro

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21 hours ago, TetraSky said:

I have considered that. But if I just offer up, say, an amazon gift card as a "bounty", I may end up getting people who have nothing to do with the field and just found random answers on Google to get the card. 

Call a local company, briefly introduce yourself and explain, then try and spin it as their work and employee will be shown as best practices in the industry, then offer the reward for their time as well, spin it as a site photo and brief phone interview for coffees/beers/gift voucher.


21 hours ago, TetraSky said:

Our teacher tries to spin it as "helping the next generation", but really, nobody wants to do anything for nothing these days.

Your teacher is naive, as a teacher yeah that may be his mentality but unless you've built a rapport, you won't get this out of most people.


I can't help on your original post, I could write a note as to why I would be hesitant to answer those questions and this assignment is bad if that helps ? :D


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