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Another Sony LEAK: WH1000-XM4 launching on 24th June ???

5 hours ago, LAwLz said:

What's up with the demeaning tone?



I got reference headphones at home, with a discrete DAC and amp. Do they sound better than my 1000-XM3? Well they certainly sound different. My AKG headphones are far more neutral and accurate. That does not necessarily mean better though. But like you said, what you are paying for are the extras, which are WAAAAAY better with the Sony headphones.


  • Wireless? Absolutely fantastic. I could not use my AKGs while at work, neither would I want to. They are a bit too bulky and with the cable I would risk getting it caught in stuff.
  • Being able to properly drive them from my phone? Yes please. My phone would probably struggle to drive my desktop headphones properly, but since the Sony's has a battery powered built in amp they work great no matter what they are connected to.
  • Active noise cancellation. Oh God yes! This is the sole purpose to why I bought the Sony ones. I am not sure if you have ever been in a data center, but I have. I am in data centers quite often, and it can be VERY loud in those. Having active noise cancellation is like night and day.
  • The mic on the Sony headphones is awful, but it is good enough for some quick phone calls if I happen to get one while having them on me. Freeing up your hands can sometimes be invaluable.


I think comparing these headphones with some (in your words) "real headphones with a proper amp and DAC" is like comparing a hammer and a screwdriver. Is one better for hammering in a nail? Absolutely, but if you have a screw that needs to be screwed in then clearly the screwdriver is the better tool for the job.

My comment was based solely on "Songs suddenly sound completely different compared to what you are normally used too." I'm used to a 3k headphone audio setup.


4 hours ago, 3rrant said:

You can't bring a full audio kit everywhere. Comparing a wireless/bt headset to a full audio setup is so wrong. You should compare them to other similiar options.

. I did in no moment say comparing the MX3 to whatever else would be fair.

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3 hours ago, HumdrumPenguin said:

My comment was based solely on "Songs suddenly sound completely different compared to what you are normally used too." I'm used to a 3k headphone audio setup.

Well, yeah but you have to judge their comment in its full context. Most people do not have a 3000 dollar audio setup. Clearly his comment was excludes you but is probably true for 90% of people. I get your comment, but I think it's a bit nitpicky and had a quite demeaning tone.

By the way, the Sony WH1000-XM3 at least had very good sound out of the box. A bit heavy on the bass (about +3dB) and a little light on the treble (about -3dB) but other than that, very good. Maybe not 3000 dollar good, but a lot better than what most people have.

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1 hour ago, LAwLz said:

Well, yeah but you have to judge their comment in its full context. Most people do not have a 3000 dollar audio setup. Clearly his comment was excludes you but is probably true for 90% of people. I get your comment, but I think it's a bit nitpicky and had a quite demeaning tone.

By the way, the Sony WH1000-XM3 at least had very good sound out of the box. A bit heavy on the bass (about +3dB) and a little light on the treble (about -3dB) but other than that, very good. Maybe not 3000 dollar good, but a lot better than what most people have.

Well, I get your point as well. I meant not to be rude, so I do apologize.


I don't mind a good amount of bass at all, as long as the sound doesn't get muddy. I have a ZMF Aeolus on the make right now, so you get an idea. The MX3 tuning would actually be fine to me. What I can't stand is too much treble, being quite the opposite of the frequency range. If not done properly, you get sibilance, glare, and a ticket straight to Fatiguing Land.

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