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Need help with psu, custom cables and case

Sorry I have a lot of questions I want to ask so I'll do it at once here since there's some case modding and some PSU cabling.


I'll start with the psu.


I got myself used but basically new RM850i for cheap. One of the reasons I got it was to get myself custom sleeved cables. I know I can do extentions but to me that's more for psu-s that don't have modular options. I wanted to go get my cables done at first from something like cablemod, that was off the table because of the expense. I won't pay for a few cables as much as I paid for the PSU itself. Next I thought about doing it myself, however that got complicated really quick. So here's my predicament:


1.) What kind of connectors does PSU and PC use from what I gathered they are 5557 automotive connectors, but I'm confused what pitch? I believe it's 4.2mm but if someone knows for sure please tell me.

2.) Where to get them in bulk or for a decent price?

I'm thinking about getting them here: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32802993594.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.25c77f1c4NixNc&algo_pvid=65be8bcc-5b2a-4e71-b9a8-78b60f458822&algo_expid=65be8bcc-5b2a-4e71-b9a8-78b60f458822-0&btsid=0ab6d59515861000855057984ec9d9&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_,searchweb201603_

3.) What kind of wire to use. From what I gathered it's a good idea to use 16AWG but from what I see 18 is used for my PSU. The question is also about it being a good idea in the long term since the 16awg wire is twice as expensive.

Wire link: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32624865621.html?spm=a2g0o.cart.0.0.26e83c00EXV0cY&mp=1

4.) How to choose sleeving diameter. So the external diameter of this wire above is 2.3mm. Does that mean I go 3mm? If I go 16 awg that has 3mm do I go 4mm? What is a good rule of thumb for this kind of thing as to make the wire look half decent? I will go with a black wire and dark sleeving.

5.) Are gold plated contacts a thing?




The case

I'm using a Fractal define c case. I mounted the front 140mm fans and the rear 120mm with a bit of a caveat. I wanted to use those rubber screw things, but also those rubber fan frames (i really wanted the thing to be quiet). One problem the case uses those slits for fans so you can mount with fans at different heights. No problem, I'm an engineer so I designed like a thing for reducing the hole diameter and to lock the rubber screw in place, image below, the part is 3d printed and friction fits in the slit. I did that for all the fans on the case. I assembled the case and wanted to test the acoustics. The fans spin up to max speed and I have a terrible low pitch humming noise every half a second to a second. From what I deduced it's from the front fans being close together and having a sort of weird oscillating resonance between them. I did what every sensible person would. Whipped out a sound meter and did the testing. Fans mounted just with the screws, screws plus rubber bumpers, just the rubber screws and rubber screws and bumpers. Made little to no difference to raw dB output. Around 58-59 on full speed. The resonance was reduced a bit with just the rubber screws and just the normal screws. However it's still quite noticeable, is there any other way one would go about reducing that noise? I'm using Arctic P14 PWM PST CO fans in the front and the same fan just 120mm in the rear. The rear fan is really quiet even at full speed and makes no wired noises.


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i mean a psu is an expert thing to do. i did it once an never again it worth the money for extension cables imo. there are many many tutorials on youtube about it. as were to buy the connectors alot of pc stores sell em online as to were i don't no its been some time since i looked in to it.


but to each there own gl.

I have dyslexia plz be kind to me. dont like my post dont read it or respond thx

also i edit post alot because you no why...

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