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Bluetooth on Windows 10 Causing Issues


Hi guys


I tried searching, but given that I'm not really sure what exactly I should be searching for... I couldn't find the answer to my question, so apologies if this has previously been discussed.


I currently use a pair of Bose headphones connected via Bluetooth (My Dragonfly broke and I'm waiting on its replacement)... However, I am getting really irritated having to close and reopen games constantly if the headphones had been turned off because it defaults to something like 'no audio driver' or 'no sound device'.  It seems to happen in everything I'm playing at the minute, WoW, Borderlands 2, etc.  It never seems to pick up that a device has connected and routes audio to it.  It used to do it sporadically when I had onboard audio enabled, but I kept getting performance issues any time onboard audio was enabled (limited diagnosis failed to cure it, so it was just disabled in the BIOS).


My question:  Is there any way I can get Windows to force the headphones to always show as an active sound device, whether or not they're connected; or is there a workaround that would enable this?


Thanks! <3



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